Thursday, January 17, 2013


I try to eat semi-healthy and luckily actually enjoy eating healthy foods. Problem is, foods that aren't so good for you are way more convenient and much cheaper.

The even bigger problem is that if you like to cook/bake you are in trouble. Sweets aren't so good for you. Or are they? 

I came across this recipe this morning and by dinner time had tried them out! So amazing! I seriously suggest trying them... especially if you have a sweet tooth! It is a healthy option to keep in your freezer for when that sweet tooth of yours kicks in! 

Cheap. Fast. Easy. Healthy. YUMMY. 

All you do if put a blueberry on a toothpick, roll/twist it in Greek yogurt (I used vanilla, most people said honey is best) and then put it on a cookie sheet. Repeat process, and stick in the freezer for about 30 minutes! 

Thanks to "Caffeinated Chronicles of a Supermom" blog for the great idea! Check out her blog for more awesome recipes! 

1 comment:

Healthy Grocery said...

See nutritional facts, and prices of frozen blueberries from grocery stores at