Friday, January 11, 2013

A New Year Brings a Full Gym!

So the other day I was at the YMCA and as I made my way to my next machine I happened to glance out the window. This is what I saw:

This most likely doesn't humor you. What if I tell you it was on December 31st? Still not humored? Ok, just just imagine what it looked like the next day?!!?!!

The new year typically brings a full gym. Though I felt as I owned the gym on this particular day, for the next few weeks I will be waiting in line to use equipment.

Isn't this the same thing that happens with our walk with the Lord? I was recently thinking about this as I attended a conference in Atlanta, Georgia called "Passion." typically when we leave things such as this we are on a "spiritual high." We tell ourselves we are going to be better people: read our Bible more. Pray more. Give more. Love more.... And we do. But easily, when the conference rolls around next year we will be right back where we started.

If we don't make our physical exercise a lifestyle rather than a temporary fix, we in the long run are no healthier than when we began. The same thing goes for our spiritual exercise. God doesn't call us to temporarally love Him. He doesn't call us to live for Him for short periods of time. He doesn't say our spiritual life should be on cycles. He tells us to daily die to ourselves. Not somedays or January through February, but everyday.

It's the beginning of a New Year and our new years resolutions are now in full swing. I am challenging myself to live not a year, but life of consistency. Challenging myself to not have a better February but a better year. Challenging myself to not only have a better year but to make a permanent fix .... To daily die to myself and continually work on strengthening my walk with the Lord.

"Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it." - Luke 9:23-24

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