Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rainbow cupcakes!

I can't believe it, but summer is over! Though homework, test, studying and such are nothing too look forward too with the start of a new school year.... time spent with my sisters of Sigma Alpha Omega, Alpha Chapter is! 

This past Sunday was our first buisness meeting, so me and my sweet little, Jessica, had a little fun! With a little help from pintrest... here is what we came up with... 

I just printed out hearts saying "welcome back" on card-stock and cut them out. Then hot-glued  them to a toothpick. 

One cupcake got special treatment! Happy 22nd Birthday to my beautiful roommate, Brooke Reimer! She is a  BIG blessing in my life! 

anddddd, the BEST part! The inside! I could stare at this picture forever! Neon food coloring is only  $5 and you can  find it at any grocery store. It is SO easy (just a little messy). Find out how to make this rainbow magic here.
The beautiful Brooke! 
My sweet little, Jessica! 

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