Sunday, January 15, 2012


December 22, 2011

Today was much more relaxed than the others. We made decorations for the honeymoon suite, for Ma-Mi's wedding Sunday.

They will be staying in the house behind where we are staying. It is so amazing to me that this is luxurious to them - yet I am staying in a similar room and find it as a sacrifice.

We also wrapped presents for Vania today. She is giving the men who work in the compound toothbrushes and knives - getting a wrapped present will be unusual to them. We also decorated her home. We hung bows over the doors and paper snowflakes on the windows, while listening to Christmas music. It was a lot of fun, minus the ridiculous amount of sweet pouring down my body.

Vania truly amazes me! She has helped me respect missionaries in such a greater way. She has completely converted to this culture, never complaining. The people here love her! She also goes full force on the mission field, doing everything with her six month old strapped to her back... never letting him slow her down .She does it all without hot water, electricity, microwaves, dive-thrus, washing machines...the list goes one. She give a new name to the "working women."

The best part of today is all the new friends we meet. Amanda, Ezekiel, and many more. I feel like we are beginning to build relationship's which is the main reason we are here.

God is truly blessing our time here. Praying He makes me bold and continues to put people in my path.

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