Monday, January 16, 2012

That certain time things are "suppose" to happen!

For young adult women... the hardest thing to entrust God with is relationships. There is a certain time you are "suppose" to meet the boy of your dreams, a certain time you are "suppose" to fall in love, a certain time you are "suppose" to be engaged, and a certain time you are "suppose" to be married. I cannot figure out who exactly decided when all these things were suppose to happen... but whoever they are... YOU ARE WRONG AND I HATE YOU!!! (disclaimer: i do not actually hate anyone)

I am not saying this to teach you a lesson, or explain how to fix a problem. I am simply publicly announcing my own struggles in hopes it encourages someone else.

Two things are for certain. One, I know without a doubt that when God decides to place the man of my dreams in my life, He will also give me complete and total clarification that he is "the one." Two, I am certain that I wish this moment of clarification has already certainly has not!

That "suppose" to happen time is slowly slipping away, and I am faced with two options.
1. I throw a pity party for myself. I cry about how lonely I am, am jealous of all my friends who are dating, engaged, married, and having babies. I decide that God's timing is not working out and I can handle it by myself.

2. I realize that the "suppose" time is not decided by me, by Hollywood, by my friends, or my family. It is decided by someone much bigger than all these things. I trust that Gods time is perfect... mine is not.

I chose option two. Is this easy? No. Do I always do it? No. For the majority of days I can honestly say that I truly trust God with this area of my life. I truly am content in Him, and Him alone. But... some days I honestly have a hard time trusting God, because I want things my way. (how selfish right?) I want to be using all my wedding pins on pintrest to actually plan a wedding. I want to buy Alfred Angelo style 1816 wedding dress instead of selling it to customers at Louisas Bridal. I want to wear a square cut diamond ring on my left hand, instead of seeing it on everyone else's. I want to love someone who loves the Lord more than me...

God clearly says in scripture that singleness is a blessing. It was brought to my attention in a sermon...single does not just mean never being married. Being single means you simply are not married at any given moment. So, if God has not blessed me with marriage yet...He has blessed me with singleness. I need to embrace that blessing. How?

1. While I do not have distractions of a husband.... I should spend time with my precious Savior with no distractions.
2.Pray that God continue to grow my future husband into the man I know he will be.
3. Enjoy my great friendships I have been blessed with.
4. LOVE my pink, lime green, and zebra room while I can. (i would never be ok with marrying someone who approved of this room decor.)
5. Trust. Trust me? no. Trust God? absolutely.

I would venture out to say, this is not just a struggle of young adult women... but also young adult men.

So... you are not the only one struggling... I am too! : ) I am down for talking to any of you single folks who need a little encouraging. God is sovereign over our lives... I pray you remember that!

My Dad is such a great example of what a Godly man should be.
Thankful for his influence in my life!

(If you read my blogs...please become a "follower." It is motivation for me to keep writing!)


Helen Ellinwood said...

Oh, what a Savior; Oh, what a grand-daughter!

Janice boyce said...

Jordan, you are a very wise and special young lady. I know God has the best prepared for you. Being patient is so hard sometimes but impatience will get you in a mess. I look forward to meeting the special young man God has for you.