Monday, September 12, 2011

Surprise Us God!!

One of my absolute favorite things about having believing friends is praying together; it has been a huge encouragement in my life, especially in the last few weeks.

 Often when we pray, we pray that God fix something, prevent something, or stop something. We assume in our head bad things are going to happen, but why do we do that? For example...a few weeks ago the weather men predicted that a monstrous hurricane would hit the eastern coast. Scared, we all prayed, "God protect my family, protect my house, keep us safe." When did God say He was going to hurt anything? We took a possible situation and ran with it, creating fear in our heads and hearts.

The other night a group of my favorite people got on our knees together to pray. I think this night may  have possibly transformed the way I talk to God. We were going around the circle chatting away to God and asking him for favors. We likewise were dueling on a possible bad situation that was causing us to be fearful.  Then one of my sweet friends began her prayer with..."SURPRISE US GOD!"

These words put a huge smile on my face. We serve such a amazing God, who has everything under control. We don't need to try to take over his job and figure it out our self, nor do we need to create problems for Him to fix. We should pray, "surprise me God." He is so much more wiser than we are....what a great thing to rest on. When we surrender to Him like my friend did, and acknowledge He has bigger and better things in store for us, He proves Himself to us over and over again.

That night God surprised us!!! He gave us peace, and patience. He took total control of the situation, and we all know He was right there with us.

"But He said "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."" -Luke 18:27

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

Thanks, sweetie, I needed to hear that today. I think that you just gave me my devotion for my seniors bible study for tomorrow. Love you and proud of you.