Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hasta La Vista Facebook and Twitter!

Social media has been such a wonderful addition to our modern world. I once was on my way to class and realized I forgot a essay that was due. On my blackberry I pulled my essay up through google docs, emailed to my friend, and she printed it in time to bring it to class. Wow...couldn't do that 10 years ago.

Social Media has also allowed me to know what all of my "friends" are doing every second of the day. I quote friends because there is no way I actually have 981 friends. At the same time I am reading play by plays of my pretend friends lifes, I can let everyone else know what I am doing every second of my day via facebook and twitter.

It has recently come aware to me what a negative role social media has been playing in my life:

1. There has been a LOT of mornings I have not to had enough time to read my I made myself think! Did I have time to check my facebook? YES

2. Through Facebook and Twitter I have time to "invest" in peoples lives. By "invest" I mean look at their pictures, read their favorite quotes, watch their homemade know....all that "I'm not a stalker even though I act like it" stuff. All this time could have been used actually investing in peoples lives with solid conversations.

3. I am at college for a education in interpersonal and public communications and non-profit studies. I am NOT in college to spend ridiculous amounts of time uploading pictures to facebook or tweeting Scotty McCreery in hopes he will tweet me back.

In the 10 commandments the very first command was "do not have any other gods before Me." If I am having time to chat away on facebook but yet not enough time to chat it up with God. Or If I have time to read all 1,543 of Kellie Picklers tweets, but yet not enough time to read Gods Word..... I am putting another god before Him.

John 4:23 says...."But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him." I want to be the kind of women of God that He is looking for. I want to worship Him in all aspects of my life. I sad would it be if we were on facebook when the Lord returned?? As much as I am logged in...there is a huge possibility it would happen!

So to help me grow closer to the Lord and lean less on social media... I will be facebook and twitter fasting for a while. Though it is my conviction and not anyone elses.... I still would love it if this started a pattern..... try it out!      


Ashley Shelley - The Christian Wife Life said...

Great idea! Facebook and Twitter can be excellent ways to encourage others, but I find myself hardly using them for that purpose. I need to check my motivation for having them. Thanks for the reminder about making time for God #1 :)

Much love,

Karsey said...


Your idea that we could possibly be on Facebook when Christ returns really struck me! I don't want to get stuck staring at a screen when I could be actively strengthening my relationships, not only with friends and family but also with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are supposed to do everything to God's glory and if I am not using my time wisely (sitting forever on FB) then am I using the time that God has given me wisely?
The verse James 4:14-15 says, " ...yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”"
This verse has been heavy on my heart and reading your blog reminded me that I want to make the most of my short time on earth...

Thanks for sharing, BigSis,
<3 Kars