Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas in America!!!!

As Americans, silly little traditions have become such a big part of our lives. By far, Chritmas day has always been my favorite day of the year. I honestly have never slept the night before Christmas, from the lack of ability to stop my excitement. My parents keep waiting for me to out grow it....but I just can't.

I really have struggled with the idea of being away from my family this Christmas. I will miss the baking, leaving cookies for santa, waking up to see what he brought, seeing the cookie crumbs, and opening presents. (I obviously know santa isn't real....but the traditions always stuck)

Gina, my roommate who is also one of my best friends, has a Birthday coming up on Christmas eve. We decided that that this weekend we would celbrate her birthday on friday and then "Christmas" the next morning. We started out with going to Macaroni grill for dinner, and then having a party at our house after. Things elevated from there, and I have to say....This has been one of the most memorable Christmas's EVER! Look at these pictures and read the captions to see what we have been up too!
We really got into decorating for the party

We made Ginas velvet cake!

Precious Gina blowing out all 21 of her candles
We then decided, if it was Christmas we needed a Santa to come eat our cookies (my parents have always done it) So we gave our friend, Will, our house key and made him a santa outfit!
Making Santa cookies

Hung the stockings

We were upstairs getting ready for bed and we heart a noise.
We ran downstairs and this is what we saw....
leaving presents
    We woke up to "snow" on Christmas morning...every girls dream! (I made these cool snowflakes)
We opened presents, listened to Christmas music, and made pancakes! We now are currently watching Christmas movies.

I seriously have AMAZING FRIENDS! The past two days have been so wonderful! Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 9, 2011


A week from today I board a plane for Africa. Wow! A year ago, almost exactly is when God started speaking to me that I was to go there. I think that after a year of talking about it, the reality I am really going doesn't seem much like reality.

The last post I wrote about Africa was saying I was about halfway through raising support. Amazingly, about a week after that post I had raised all the money I needed to buy a plane ticket. He has proved to be faithful through monetary aspects of this trip.

I prayed that God also give me opportunities to use this trip as a witnessing tool for this past year. Many times, I have been given the opportunity to do so. People sometimes seem confused on why I would go to Africa for Christmas, so may explaination is a great way to share my faith. My favorite instance is when sometime asked, "what is a missions trip?" That opened a lot of doors to share the Gospel. Ironically, this same person randomly came into the lives of some dear friends of mine, and He now attends church on a weekly basis with them.

 Also, to be completely honest, I have been given many similar opportunities that I have by-passed. It amazes me how many times I have done this  throughout my life. Actually, it surprises me how many times I have done that just this week.

I pray ALL the time God give me boldness to share His word, and He gives it too me....and I dismiss it. This recently has been my biggest struggle pertaining to my trip to Africa. If I fail to share the Gospel here, in my daily life...why am I going to Africa? What makes me good enough for that? Its something I am constantly convicted about, and try to learn from. Luckily God is bigger than me, and knows what He is doing. Why He is using weak me, I often can't understand....its been a humbling experience for sure!

Pray for me as I prepare my heart. I am so ready to go "Tell the Nations!" but am TERRIFIED all at the same time.

Be looking out for another post tomorrow about details of what I will be doing in Liberia.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

He Prepared My Heart

(I have not blogged in a LONG time. 1. because my life has been out of control 2. blogspot locked me out of my account)

Over the last few months so much has happened. I have learned a lot of great life lessons as "life" itself has slapped me in the face.

One Monday afternoon I led a bible study at this cute diner in downtown Raleigh. We even dressed for the occasion. As requested by a peer, at the diner I led a study of 1 Corinthians. As we went chapter to chapter we pulled out teachings applicable to our life.
Us girls at the Diner
Applications of chapter 10 went on and on... but one verse struck us all the most.

1 Corinthians 10:13 says,  "No temptation has overtaken you that is unusual for human beings. But God is faithful, and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. Instead, along with the temptation he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to endure it."

Wow! How comforting to know this truth. We began to discuss times in our lives that bad things happened, and though they were hard, God provided us with a way to endure it.

That night when I got home this same scripture was posted as someones status on facebook. The next day I read it in a tweet on twitter. That following weekend I attended a retreat where I would be hearing several testimonies. Two girls included this scripture in their testimonies. That night the praise and worship leader introduced a song by using this verse.

Later that evening I told a dear friend of mine that I was worried. I knew this scripture was the truth, but the fact it was reappearing in my life so many times made me think something bad was about to happen. This was not the last time I would hear this verse that night. I remained slightly frightened, but prayed that God would continue to prepare my heart, if in fact that was what He was doing.

Sunday we returned from the retreat, and that night I got a heart breaking phone call. Someone very important to me had been diagnosed with cancer, and it wasn't good.

The week to follow would be a long, confusing, and worry-filled week. That Saturday, Ms. JoAnne Croix  went to be with the Lord. It was probably one of the hardest realities I have had to face.
Ms. JoAnne
Through the pain... 1 Corinthians 10:13 remained in the back of my head.... actually the front of my head, and on the tip of my tongue, and in the depth of my heart. It truly did comfort me.  What is most amazing is God is right...He did not give me more than I could handle, and He did provide me with the strength to see this trail through. Not only did God comfort me, but I watched in comfort so many people around me.

Not only is scripture the truth, but it is alive, and this experience was confirmation to me. God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Fall" in love with pumpkin spice rice krispie treats!

About this time of year anything pumpkin sounds good....lattes, pies, and here is a new one for you. It was a big hit in our house. Pumpkin spice rice krispie treats.

  •  3 tsp's of margarine
  • a bag of jiffy pumpkin spice marshmallows
  • 6 cups of rice krispies (I used walmart brand)

Real easy!
  • put the margarine and marshmallows in a pot on medium-high and stir until completely melted.
  • add the rice krispies and stir
  • dump them in a pan and flatten......that's it!
You can find then at Walmart
It is the cheapest, fastest, and easiest desert you could possibility make. SOOO good! Perfect for a fall or Thanksgiving party!

    Sunday, October 23, 2011

    JoAnn Croix.... a mother to us all!

    Twice today I have heard the mention of a strong women of the Bible, Hannah. Hannah was unable to bare children, which was the deepest desire of her heart. She prayed earnestly and believed God would provide. Hannah is known as a women of great faith.

    Ironically, this story reminded me of my dear friend JoAnn Croix who passed away this past Saturday at a very young age from a sudden sickness. One of the many things I have weeped over the past few days is the fact like Hannah, JoAnn's greatest desire was to have children. After many many years of not being able to have children of her own, her and her wonderful husband Gary went through the adoption process and were currently awaiting a child. In there house is a nursery ready for the delivery of a child.

    Psalms 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Many people would say that God did not give her the desires of her heart, and that her life was never completed. It seems unfair that a women with such a passion for a child would not be blessed with one...why would God not hear her cry like he heard Hannah's?

    Today, while hearing multiple times about Hannah, I realized that GOD DID ANSWER HER PRAYER. God did not bless her with one child, two children, three or four.....He blessed her with many. I am a living example of this.

    From a young age Ms. JoAnn treated me as her own. As a Godly example in my life, she began to shape who I am today. Her faithfulness to God and steadfast prayer encouraged me from a young age. Recently, she showed me what Joy in Christ looks like as she remained joyful through the death of her mother.

    JoAnn did not just shape my life, but tons of young peoples. I have great memories of sleepovers, fair trips, Sunday School classes, shopping, good meals, and more. I like hundreds of young girls were ministered to by her at youth camp every summer. She was like a "mom" to us all.

    Hannah said in Samuel 1:27, "For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him." Maybe God did not bless JoAnn with a blood related child, but God blessed me with JoAnn.

    I can't even fathom the joy she must have had to hear the words, "well done my good and faithfull servant." I look forward to the day I hear those words and can praise my Lord with my momma-JoAnn!

    Thursday, October 13, 2011


    Whelp, we have reached the half way mark of the semester...I HAVE SURVIVED!!! While reflecting back on the past three months I have come to the conclusion I have been having a self-identity crisis!!!!!
    I have been.........
    A hairstylist

    A cowgirl...

    A bike model...

    A diner girl...

    A ganster...

    A llama's lover

    A emo/cookie monster??

    A monkey...

    Maybe in the next half of the semester I will figure out who I really am! : ) ........

    Wednesday, October 12, 2011

    Weak Me...Strong Him!!!!

    As my trip to Africa approaches, so does Christmas! Christmas has always been a big deal in my family and is by far my favorite day of the year. The past few years have been even more exciting with little ones around. 

    The other day I was thinking about Christmas, and the fact I will not be with my family this year. It made me sad, and super emotional. I thought to myself, there is no way I can make a big enough impact for it to matter. There is no way the difference I would make would be worth missing Christmas.

    The fact it...that is the truth. "I" can not do anything. GOD CAN. God isn't sending me to Africa for ME to do anything....He is going to do the work through me. Conveniently I cane across a wonderful scripture that clarified this for me.

    "But Lord,' Gideon asked, "how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family" -Judges 6:15

    Just like the Lord spoke to Gideon, He is speaking to me. yes.... I am weak, just like Gideon was, but God is Sovereign and all powerful.

    My devotional book said, "You're right in that no one is worthy to serve God, but the problem is that doesn't matter to God.".... I am so glad that what I think doesn't matter to him!


    Monday, October 10, 2011

    Become the person you would want to date, would want to date!!!!!

    This semester at Providence Baptist Church our college ministry has been listening to a relationship series. I thought that it was going to be about all the things I have heard repeatedly my entire life, but it has been so much more than that. I have grown tremendously through this study so far.
    Two weeks ago our pastor Nick said something that I will treasure forever. He said, "Become the person you would want to date, would want to date." Wow.... it hit me like a ton of bricks. Most girls have list they make of requirements of their dream boy, whether it be mentally or on a piece of paper. Most christian girls have two list. One about silly selfish things and one about real biblical based requirements. I am no exception.We spend our time searching and thinking about boys/men who will meet these standards....we look for someone that will have the most checks on our list.  

    The thing is, is that dream boy is not going to fall in love with us unless we are dream girl. In other words...why would a man completely surrendered to God even consider dating a girl who wasn't completely surrendered to God? We need to be taking actions....we need to become our "list." Since I heard this quote I have been convicted over and over again. Here are some things I am working on to become the person I would want to date, would want to date:

    1. Being Content: I would not want to date someone who is not reliant on God and content with the amazing love He provides for us. I have been working on seeing this season of singleness as a blessing and using it to be able to become depend on God.
    2. Studying the Word: I would not want to date someone who does not value and treasure the Word of God. I have been working on being more passionate about reading and studying.
    3. Being Joyful: I would not want to date someone who did not have the ability to be joyful through life's frustrations. I am trying to learn to be positive and upbeat all the time.
    4. Not over committing: I would not want to date someone who was so committed to other things he did not have time for me and his future family. I have a SERIOUS problem with over committing. I have been praying that God show me what things to take out of my life and also show me what things are important and not important in my life. I want to break this awful habit so that I can be a good wife and mom one day... I wouldn't want to marry a man who has the problem I currently have.

    These things are just my problems. We all have different struggles. If we daily think about becoming the person who want to marry one day.... it really will change our thoughts and actions. I am praying for my future husband, that he too is becoming the person he would want to date, would want to date.

    Tuesday, September 20, 2011

    While I was away....

    Life without Facebook has been awesome so far! I haven't missed it much. The downfall would be the embarrassing pictures/videos my lovely friends have posted of me, with the knowledge I will not sign on to remove them.

    This may be considered cheating, but this is a few potential statuses/tweets that would have occurred this week if possible:

    • is it just me, or do frat boys shorts seem to be getting shorter everyday?
    • What is going on with this weather? I never know what to wear? #layering
    • Tried to rent a tiger.....bad idea. #fail
    • "Become the person you would want to date, would want to date.".... some great PCM encouragement
    • JASMINES.... best lunch EVER!
    • Brittany Hall is awesome!!!
    • GO PACK!
    • My favorite part of a wolfpack win is dancing to "jump on it"
    • Lord give me rest...... because I have no time to give it to myself!
    • I miss my pillow!
    • One test down, two to go!
    • Officially a Mary kay consultant!!! So excited!!!
    • Ordered business cards!!! Is this real life?

    Wednesday, September 14, 2011

    Hasta La Vista Facebook and Twitter!

    Social media has been such a wonderful addition to our modern world. I once was on my way to class and realized I forgot a essay that was due. On my blackberry I pulled my essay up through google docs, emailed to my friend, and she printed it in time to bring it to class. Wow...couldn't do that 10 years ago.

    Social Media has also allowed me to know what all of my "friends" are doing every second of the day. I quote friends because there is no way I actually have 981 friends. At the same time I am reading play by plays of my pretend friends lifes, I can let everyone else know what I am doing every second of my day via facebook and twitter.

    It has recently come aware to me what a negative role social media has been playing in my life:

    1. There has been a LOT of mornings I have not to had enough time to read my I made myself think! Did I have time to check my facebook? YES

    2. Through Facebook and Twitter I have time to "invest" in peoples lives. By "invest" I mean look at their pictures, read their favorite quotes, watch their homemade know....all that "I'm not a stalker even though I act like it" stuff. All this time could have been used actually investing in peoples lives with solid conversations.

    3. I am at college for a education in interpersonal and public communications and non-profit studies. I am NOT in college to spend ridiculous amounts of time uploading pictures to facebook or tweeting Scotty McCreery in hopes he will tweet me back.

    In the 10 commandments the very first command was "do not have any other gods before Me." If I am having time to chat away on facebook but yet not enough time to chat it up with God. Or If I have time to read all 1,543 of Kellie Picklers tweets, but yet not enough time to read Gods Word..... I am putting another god before Him.

    John 4:23 says...."But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him." I want to be the kind of women of God that He is looking for. I want to worship Him in all aspects of my life. I sad would it be if we were on facebook when the Lord returned?? As much as I am logged in...there is a huge possibility it would happen!

    So to help me grow closer to the Lord and lean less on social media... I will be facebook and twitter fasting for a while. Though it is my conviction and not anyone elses.... I still would love it if this started a pattern..... try it out!      

    Monday, September 12, 2011

    Surprise Us God!!

    One of my absolute favorite things about having believing friends is praying together; it has been a huge encouragement in my life, especially in the last few weeks.

     Often when we pray, we pray that God fix something, prevent something, or stop something. We assume in our head bad things are going to happen, but why do we do that? For example...a few weeks ago the weather men predicted that a monstrous hurricane would hit the eastern coast. Scared, we all prayed, "God protect my family, protect my house, keep us safe." When did God say He was going to hurt anything? We took a possible situation and ran with it, creating fear in our heads and hearts.

    The other night a group of my favorite people got on our knees together to pray. I think this night may  have possibly transformed the way I talk to God. We were going around the circle chatting away to God and asking him for favors. We likewise were dueling on a possible bad situation that was causing us to be fearful.  Then one of my sweet friends began her prayer with..."SURPRISE US GOD!"

    These words put a huge smile on my face. We serve such a amazing God, who has everything under control. We don't need to try to take over his job and figure it out our self, nor do we need to create problems for Him to fix. We should pray, "surprise me God." He is so much more wiser than we are....what a great thing to rest on. When we surrender to Him like my friend did, and acknowledge He has bigger and better things in store for us, He proves Himself to us over and over again.

    That night God surprised us!!! He gave us peace, and patience. He took total control of the situation, and we all know He was right there with us.

    "But He said "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."" -Luke 18:27

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011

    One Half Down, One Half To Go!!!!

    Today is the first day of my Junior year at North Carolina State University (GO PACK!) It absolutely amazes me to think about the past two year. The journey of my college career has been incredibly amazing thus far. I know I have grown as a person, leader, friend and woman of God through great mentors and also obstacles that have come my way.

    I have worked at Walt Disney World, interned with United Way, hosted at 42nd street oyster bar, sold wedding dresses at Louisas Bridal, nanny and tutored Anthony, and been unemployed. I have changed my major once, my concentration twice, added a minor, and been undecided. I have moved to two different dorm rooms, two different houses, and two different apartments. I have meet friends, lost friends, and become a friend to so many people. I have been discouraged, been uplifted, and have had a million melt downs.

    Now its time for the second half of a amazing adventure. I am ready to take advantage of my opportunity and strive to be better than I have before. I have recently been feeling especially called to the mission field. I will be going to Africa in December and am strongly considering a life long career in ministry. God is just so great!

    I don't have to wait two years to join the mission field.... college is the ultimate mission field. I am sooo excited to outreach to the Wolfpack community with the help of God.

    Last night me and my absolutely wonderful roommates prayed that God give us boldness to share the gospel and that He give us opportunities to use that boldness. We together are so excited to encourage each other through this not so easy task we are getting ourselves into.

    This semester I am taking a world religion class taught by a man who is not a christian. PRAY FOR ME! I am sooo excited to learn about other peoples believes. I am also taking a Western African History Class. I can't WAITTTT to apply what I learn in Liberia in December. 

    Here is a piece of my heart in words. Praying this is a encouragement to at least one person! 

    "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever wins souls is wise." -Proverbs 11:30 JOIN ME IN ATTEMPTING TO BE WISE!

    Wednesday, July 20, 2011

    I am Resting Resting

    I have always loved this song, but tonight it really touched me. I am not going to analyze it or commentate it because it can mean so many different things. Listen to it with a open heart and see if it touches you also....

    Jesus I am resting, resting
    In the Joy of what Thou art;
    I am finding out the greatness
    Of Thy loving heart.
    Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee,
    And Thy beauty fills my soul,
    For by Thy transforming power
    Thou hast made me whole.


    Jesus, I am resting, resting
    In the joy of what Thou art;
    I am finding out the greatness
    Of Thy loving heart.

    O how great Thy loving kindness.
    Vaster, broader than the sea!
    O how marvellous Thy goodness,
    Lavished all on me!
    Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved,
    Know Thy certainty of promise,
    And have made it mine.


    Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,
    I behold Thee as Thou art,
    And Thy love, so pure, so changeless,
    Satisfies my heart;
    Satisfies its deepest longings,
    Meets supplies its every need,
    Compasseth me round with blessings;
    Thine is love indeed!


    Ever lift Thy face upon me,
    As I work and wait for Thee;
    Resting 'neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus,
    Earth's dark shadows flee.
    Brightness of my Father's glory,
    Sunshine of my Father's face,
    Keep me ever trusting, resting;
    Fill me with Thy grace.

    Wednesday, July 6, 2011



    Tuesday, July 5, 2011

    A Week to Remember

    This week I had the great honor of playing "mommy." While my parents took 21 teenagers to camp in West Virginia I had my three year old brother Carson and six year old brother Trent.

    Day one I took them to a Birthday Party and it was lots of fun. I found that a joy of being a parent is watching them have fun and also fellowshiping with their friends parents.
    Morgan giving Carson a ride
    Batman Trent
     Day two went smooth since I went to work and left them with the babysitter. Arriving home from work we immediately began to argue about what would be for dinner. I got to use the line "You will eat what I cook you." Ohhh how many times have I heard that?!

    Day three was suppose to be lots of fun at the pool. The weather man ruined that with a prediction of storms all day. Carson then had a epic meltdown because his zip lock baggy was "squishy." I wish I could explain but I myself do not understand. We also took a ice cream trip...You would not believe how messy that ended up being.

    Day four: I left the boys with the babysitter again and when arriving home got into a "you can't tell me what to do" fight with Trent. We went to church after some kicking and screaming and had to pull over on the side of the road for a potty break on the way home (boysss).

    That night I was first woken up with a "my ear really hurts and I can't sleep" by Trent and then a hour later by a soaking wet Carson who wet his bed and everything in sight.

    Day five: Woke up thinking I had experienced everything of motherhood except the birthing pains. About 30 minutes after this thought, I heard screaming and saw a bloody Carson running towards me. .............So we got to take a trip to the doctor to get stitches (in our bathing suites).

    After a LONG and traumatic day I returned home dreading washing all the peed on sheets while I looked forward to taking a shower... when to my surprise.....the hot water heater was broke.

    When I thought nothing else could go wrong I woke up with a stomach virus and am stuck on the couch sick.

    This blog isn't to complain. It is what I learned from this week. I learned that motherhood is a LOT harder than it seems. I learned that sometimes it is hard to be happy as a "mom" but you have too anyways. I learned that no matter how bad you want to throw in the towel you can't, and most of all I learned HOW THANKFUL I AM FOR MY PARENTS! SOOO glad they are home!

    If you are interested in some free birth control I will lend you my brothers for a few days! : )

    Update on Africa Trip

    I  now have 1/4 of support raised for my Missions Trip to Africa. God is proving his faithfulness to me as I trust He will provide. It is pretty awesome how supportive people have been. Not just monetarily, but with kind words and encouragement.
    I enjoyed spending A LOT of time sending out over 100 support letters.

    I am planing a big community fundraiser for July 21st that I am really excited about. There will be thirty-one, Pamper chef and tastefully simple consultants there.

    The other day my mom shared this with me: :"How awesome is it that you are working hard just so you can serve others?" So true! What a humbling experience this will be.

    "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:19

    Saturday, June 25, 2011


    It is now about 3am..... I can't believe I am still up! Its Friday night, I'm 20 years you may assume I was up to no good. WRONG! I have been at the H.U.T. (house under truth) This is what I learned tonight:
    • Cutco knives are the sharpest knives in the U.S. (and most expensive)
    • a "paring" knife isn't for just pears.
    • pig a dominoes game
    • Panera Bread has the best Roast Beef sandwiches ever
    • Facing the Giants is a great movie
    • If you drink 5 cups of don't sleep at night
    • Police officer guns have flashlights on them
    • It takes about 4 cups of blueberry's to make blueberry jam
    • Katie likes giving the stink eye, Ryan is over critical of everything, Kayla never wants to work in the ER, Dan Lynam will one day help plan my proposal, and Jessica Lynam isn't very compassionate.

    • Proverbs has 31 chapters, so it would be easy to read one chapter a day for a month...great way to start a steady, daily devotion.
    • Proverbs 24 tells our that we should not fall down in trail. It isn't about failing ...its about getting back up.
    • It also says that wise men seek guidance from their councilors
    • Sometimes we only talk about God when we need something
    • If you tell someone you are praying for them ...........THEN DO IT!
    • It is important to have good friends to hold you accountable in your walk with the Lord.

    Sound intersting? Want to join the fun?
    My list could go on and on! Tonight was great. What a better way to spend a Friday night than with a bunch of uplifting young adults?? It is a great way to meet some solid people!

    When: Every Friday Night 7:00-until whenever everyone leaves. Feel free to come late. I sometimes don't come till about 11pm.
    Where: Evangelical Methodist Church
    Who: Anyone who has graduated high school and is a young adult. There is a variety of ages.
    What: Fellowship, free food, games, and teaching. Pool, Foosball, video games, wi-fi, music, and movies. It is just a safe hang out spot.

    We would LOVE for you to join us! Feel free to ask me questions.

    Thursday, June 23, 2011


    I AM GOING TO AFRICA! Here is my support letter  I wrote that will tell you a little bit about my trip. Expect a lot more information soon. The majority of those who will read this blog will receive this letter in the mail in the next two days. If you do not receive one and feel led to support my trip please contact me and I will provide you with my address. If you have questions for me please leave a comment and I will answer it for you! (side note: if you read my should definitely follow me!)

     Hello all, its Jordan Ellinwood here. As most of you know, I am an undergraduate student at North Carolina State University where I study Public Relations and minor in Non-Profit Studies. My goal is to one day work at or run a non-profit organization.

     Evangelical Methodist Church in Elizabeth City is my home church, and I attend Providence Baptist Church while in Raleigh.  Both churches have had a huge part in my spiritual formation. For many years I have had the desire to participate in missions overseas. In the past year, through both personal and group study, I have learned a great deal about the importance of both home and overseas missions as it relates to our call as Christians. I have continued to feel that call on my life and know that it is my duty “tell the nations.” 

    This past December, at the conclusion of a tough semester, I somewhat jokingly said, “I am going to just quit school and move to Africa.” Little did I know what I was getting myself into! One of my closest friends Kelsey Murray heard me and quickly announced that her church would be taking a trip to Liberia. I explained that I wasn’t really being serious, but told her that I would pray about it. From there God began to make it clear in small and subtle ways that I WAS going to go to Africa.

    Much to my surprise, the group that we were to travel with postponed their trip, but Kelsey and I still felt a strong desire and calling to go to Liberia. We began seeking and praying about opportunities to go. One thing led to another and we now have a trip planned to go to Liberia December 17 through January 1, 2011/12. We will stay and serve with Christian Revival Church Association missionaries Dennis and Vania Aggrey.

    The Christian Revival Church Association (CRCA) is a body of Evangelical, Baptist; indigenous churches championing rural church planting outreach and community development as a focal point of conveying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to poor communities. Transforming lives through providing for spiritual renewal and physical-economic empowerment, the association has established churches in eight counties in western Liberia.

    In order to take this trip, it will cost approximately 2,000 dollars each. We really need to raise this money by July 31st. All money raised above traveling cost will be used to purchase Christmas presents and Bibles to take with us. We would like to create smiles through presents and Gods gospel.

    If you feel lead to help me monetarily, it would be greatly appreciated. If you are unable to give in that way please keep me, Kelsey Murray and the Aggrey family in your prayers as we seek God’s will in Liberia. I am very excited about this experience and I am very glad you will be a part of this experience with me.

    Checks can be written to Jordan Ellinwood. If you are uncomfortable with writing me a personal check or if you would like your contribution to be tax deductible, you can write it to Evangelical Methodist Church, but please write my name in the memo line to direct these funds.  Checks can be mailed to the address above.

    Love through Christ,

    Jordan Ellinwood

    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    Ride ya bike!

    For those of you who know me the know I really enjoy riding bikes and  I used to own a awesome pink beach cruiser that I was in love with.. I picked it out freshmen year of high school and then forgot all about it. On graduation night senior year I came home and there was my pink bike. My dad had remembered all those years and it meant so much to me. Sadly, some mean guy stole it my freshmen year of college. I filed a police report but apparently they had better things to worry about and I never found it.

    A few days ago I got up from the dinner table and told my family I was going to go on a bike ride (I would be riding a really old bike from 5th grade). My brother said to me (only because he didn't want me to leave him),"would you rather take a bike ride or would you rather go buy a new bike?" I am now a proud owner of a beautiful cruiser.
    all pictures were taken on my bike ride today.

    Today I took it for the first  ride and I was reminded of why I love riding bikes so much. It is where  I do my best thinking. It is where I do a lot of praying. It is where I do a lot of venting and thanking God. It is where I sometime cry and sometimes smile. It is somewhere, where no one can bother me. It all happens on my bike.

    I come from a place where people still hang there clothes on the line and where my neighbors live two corn fields away. A place where there is not a stop light to be found and the only store is a gas station called Weeksville Grocery where we buy red hotdogs and hunnybuns. Today on my bike ride I realized how blessed I am to live in the middle of nowhere in this little town. I think I live in the most beautiful place in the world. I worked at Disney World for a while and people say that it is "the happiest place on earth." I would argue. There, you admire man made beauty. Here, in the country, you can admire God made beauty, making it the happiest place on earth. My favorite thing to do on my bike rides is to soak in the awesomeness of Gods creation.

    Today in Sunday school I taught the 2 and 3 year olds that God created the world and everything in it. With that on my mind I appreciated everything a lot more today. God's creation amazes me so much.

    I guess the moral of this blog to go on a bike ride! : ).....oh, and be thankful for God's beauty!

    "God created the world, and everything in it" -Acts 17:24

    Tuesday, May 31, 2011

    Miracle Workin'

    Last week at Bible study we were asked to describe God. The point was ... why tell someone about Him if you yourself do not know who He is? Some answers included Holy, Provider, Father, and so on. The very last description gave me chills: "God is a miracle worker... I am specifically thinking of Jordan's friend Katie." The Lady who said this was the same lady who knelt down at the alter with me over two years ago praying for this miracle. I realized that night that I do not daily give God thanks for the miracle He performed.

    If you have not heard the story, My very good friend Katie was in a automobile accident on January 7th,2009. That day was the first day in my life I have fallen on my knees both literally and figuratively. Katie's head hit a tree, shattering her skull and causing brain damage. Half of her skull was removed and she stayed in a coma for a long time. When she awoke she could not talk, walk, or really move at all for over a month. When asking my dad if she would live that night of the accident in the ICU, he looked at me with tears in his eyes.... i knew what that meant. He later explained that when the doctor showed him the brain scan, it looked like the brain scan of a "dead person."

    I spend the rest of my senior year of high school driving back and forth to Greenville and Norfolk to visit and encourage Katie, participating in fundraisers to help support her medical bills, and most of all praying. I  always knew God listens to me and I believed in the power of prayer... but now I had to live it out. I prayed to God that His will be done whether that be Katie live with me or live with Him. I prayed that He heal Katie, believing that He had the power to do so.

    Veryyyyyy long story short............

    This Saturday I was in a wedding. When I got to the reception there sat Katie with her beautiful smile, gorgeous brown hair, and sassy attitude. We danced together to "The Twist" and "Cupids shuffle." We laughed together, rolled our eyes together, and though we did not verbally talked about it, we PRAISED OUR LORD together. All I could think about was what a great blessing she is in my life.

    Like it was said in Bible study, God is a Miracle worker. He performed a miracle in Katie's life and I will forever praise him for that. Medically... Katie should have never survived that wreck. But God had BIGGER PLANS!

    God hears me and He hears you. It doesn't have to be as big of a problem as this. He daily performs miracles in my life.... ones I will never even know about. Lay down your burdens to him. Pray to Him believing He will listen and perform a miracle, whether small or big. If He can heal Katie he can bless your finances. If he can heal Katie he can restore your marriage. If He can heal Katie He can provide you with a job. If He can heal Katie He can take away your anxiety. If He can heal Katie He can fill you with joy.............

    Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; and listen to the cry of my supplications. Psalm 86: 6

    Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. Philippians 4: 6

    [Continue to Pray for Katie. It has been two years and she is still in the recovery process (improving all the time).]

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    That famous question: "are you dating anyone?"

    This week I returned home from college for the summer and have seen all the faces I have been missing for the past several months. I have ran into old classmates, teachers, friends, family, and mentors. Although "how is school" is a very typical question asked of me, a more common question is "are you dating anyone?" ........... the answer of course being "no" then followed by another question.... either "why" or "isn't there some good boys in Raleigh?"

     On top of this question being asked of me 1,234954 times I also work in a bridal boutique 8 hours a day where weddings consume my every thought. As if weddings were not on my mind enough I have spend the majority of my time out side of work  planning, celebrating, and working on events related to a wedding I will be in next weekend.(side note: for the baccalaureate party we went salsa dancing.. SO FUN) ....WEDDINGS, MARRIAGE...... these words/thoughts have consumed my life lately.

    Well, the story goes like this.... people don't understand it but I am completely continent single. Though I want so bad to meet that Godly man that I will one day join together with, I don't know him (or at least don't think I do), and am content in knowing God's time is perfect.

    Often when expressing my singleness I am criticized and told my standards are "too high" and that I need to be more open or excepting. My standards are very high, but in a very healthy way. God commanded me (and you if you were wondering) to be equally yoked and that is what I plan on doing. I will be single the entirety of my life if that is what it means to follow this commandment.

    My brother also asked me this oh so famous question saying, "when are you getting married Jordan?" I responded telling him, "when i find a man who loves me and loves Jesus." He said, "well Daddy loves Jesus." Yes my Dad does love Jesus! I can't marry him, but he has been a great example of what a God fearing man should be. He has set my standards high.

    My brother Trent also has plans of when I will get married. In his kindergarten class two little kids were talking about how they were boyfriend and girlfriend and were going to get married. Trent responded to there conversation saying, "MARRIED?, why are you talking about married? ..... that is what you do when you graduate from NC State!"

    Though Trent thinks he has it figured out, I really don't know when that time will be, I don't know when my answer to that famous question will be yes, and I don't know when God will lead that Godly man to me. What I do know is that I have a God who comforts and directs my path. I have a God who has a perfect plan. And I have a God who's love is enough for me... without the love from anyone else. I pray that each of you can share this view with me and enjoy your waiting just as I am.

    "But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it." -Romans 8:25

    “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.” - Romans 8:28

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    Just Listen You Hard Head!

    My entire life I have heard people say "God told me" or "I heard God say...." yet I never have been too sure that they knew what they were talking about. You see....I had never "heard" God's voice. In the past few years He has taught me that He speaks in sooo many ways other than words, and this week that has been extremely evident.

    A few short days ago I was to help serve at a outreach project for my church. When arriving I obviously did not show up with a positive attitude as I said, "these things never seem to work." I never have seen direct fruit from handing out candy and info cards for church, and it frustrated me that I still did it. Well: God then laughed. He probably thought to Himself, "Ill show her." Minutes later I handed a piece of candy to a girl who looked at me with excitement, exclaiming she had been looking for a church but just did not know where to go or how to get there. Then there was a guy who said, "My friend had been harassing me to go to church the entire time I have been in college, I think I should go this time." Similar stories just flooded in, as I felt the slap in the face from God.

    Finally came Scott. Scott did not know what He believed but He was searching. As sad as it is to admit, he knew the Bible better than I did, and He found it confusing. He told us that a few weeks ago he decided to trust God, but nothing happened; nothing changed.

    Scott got me thinking. It is something everyone needs to realize; struggling Christians and unbelievers. God doesn't yell in your ear. He doesn't show up on your front porch. And though I beg Him to do it all the time; He doesn't drop signs out of Heaven telling you what decisions to make. He quietly whispers in your ear. Just like He told me not to underestimate, without having to use words. Just like He spoke through our leadership team's words and actions to touch the people we ministered too, and just like He will one day speak to and comfort Scott. God's voice is so easy to find, we just have to be looking, and believe it's there.

    In John 10:4-5 it says, "And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them: and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice." 

    We have to know His voice to follow it, and believe it is there to hear it.