For my family, birthday breakfast has always been a really big thing. No matter how busy we were, or what was going on we all stopped and as a family ate a home cooked breakfast together. The day before my birthday I thought about how sad I was I would have to wake up in an empty house.
Surprise Surprise, my sweet friend Kelsey at 9 o'clock at night decided to drive all the way here from Rocky Mount to stay the night with me, even though she had to be back to teach at the crack of dawn the next day. I didn't even have to wake up in a empty house.
The night before as we brought in the my big 22, I still kept thinking about how much I would miss birthday breakfast. It wasn't even the breakfast itself, more so time with my family.
Of course, I overslept that next morning, waking up five minutes after I should have left. I ran out the door and hurried to work, irritated the entire way. I repeatably said to myself, "not only do I not get birthday breakfast, I don't even get breakfast." Worse than that, I had to drive pass a billion coffee shops with no time to stop. If you know me even a little - you know what a big deal lack of coffee is.
Obviously irrational, I showed up to work slightly discouraged. This was until not long after, a sweet co-worker (whom I started working with only 3 days previously) showed up with a cup of Starbucks coffee for me. Not long after that, my boss showed up with donuts for everyone to celebrate my birthday!
I was showered with love the entire day. One of my friends took me to sushi (which is my favorite thing ever), gave me a really sweet gift, and then surprised me with a home massage. Probably my favorite part of the day, she even brought me a Gigi's cupcake (If you have never had one, you must ASAP).
The day had gone great, minus the monsoon and a few miner bumps, but I still didn't have my family. Somehow celebrating the day of my birth without the person who birthed me didn't seem ok!
My Mom, Dad, sister Jordan and two brothers all drove (through the monsoon) all the way to Raleigh to see me! We ate a great birthday dinner at one of my favorite places, Cracker Barrel! My brothers are hilarious and added many smiles and much laughter to the day!
Later that night my sweet friend Brooke stopped by with another Gigi's cupcake and a gift certificate for a massage (my friends know me well I guess). She sat there and selfishly listened to me rant and rave about all my current life problems and frustrations. She is such a great listener and I am so grateful for her.
It is embarrassing how easily I get disappointed or discouraged. This Birthday taught me such a valuable lesson. God is so good to me and I have been given so many blessings. In this crazy season of life where everything seems to be changing - I need to learn that God will NEVER stop providing for me - even if His provision looks a little different than it previously did.
I am so excited about this 22nd year of life I have been given and I am so thankful for my family and friends... and Birthday Breakfast!
Bringing in 22 with Kelsey! (Singing a LOT of Taylor Swift of course) |
Sushi Thai on Lake Boone Trail - it comes highly recommended by me! |
The coolest boys I possibly could have spent my Birthday with. |
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