Recently I have been made aware of the realness of suffering. Not current suffering, but that fact that I will face suffering - and probably a lot of it, in my life. This realization came from the life of a man name Job.
Job was a amazing man of God. His life was full of blessings and God allowed Satan to take it all away. By all, I mean ALL. Even his children.... all ten of them died. The important thing to understand is that God Himself allowed the suffering. Job understood that, and worshiped God through his pain. Yes, he did have times of questioning and felt anger toward God... but he continued to worship.
More than likely, you have heard of Job, but you probably have not heard of Brittany. Brittany is a young mother of two who daily faces intense suffering similar to Job. She writes this:
"Hudson and Leila have late infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis better known as batten disease. It took 7 years to get a correct diagnosis on Hudson and as soon as was diagnosed, Leila had a grand mal seizure and was immediately tested and shown to also have battens. Some of the symptoms that helped us know that something was wrong with Hudson (now 8 1/2 years old )were the onset of vision problems and seizures. He first showed major personality and behavior changes. His ability to learn completely stopped and his speech faded very quickly. Clumsiness followed and he sustained a terrible injury to his leg that almost took his life. He now has poor circulation in his arms and legs. his stomach is refusing to empty properly which had led to body fat and muscle mass loss.
Over time, Hudson has suffered mental impairment, worsening seizures, and complete blindness. He cannot speak at all and has no motor skills. He is in a wheel chair and he mentally and physically can only do what a 6 month old can do. Leila is currently going blind and she can no longer go down stairs alone. she is mentally under 2 years old, even though she physically is about to turn six years old. They are both beautiful amazing babies! God has truly blessed me with gorgeous amazing kids! I am enjoying each day with them!! This disease will end their lives between 8-12 yrs old. But as for today they are being lent to me to enjoy. -Brittany"
I will never forget the day years ago that I went to the hospital with my parents to visit Hudson and Brittany. I remember leaving confused. Confused to how there was a big smile on Brittany's face while her sweet little boy lay in a hospital bed in pain. Confused of how Brittany had a smile on her face knowing she potentially would have to say goodbye to sweet Hudson one day.
Recently, I have come to understand why. I understand why Brittany continues to smile. Brittany smiles because she loves God. She doesn't love God for His gifts, but she loves Him for who He is. She doesn't love Him because she has healthy children, a bunch of money, a perfect job, or perfect life - she simply loves God for who He is. She doesn't praise God for the good days, she praises Him everyday.
I feel confident that like Job, Brittany has faced days of anger, doubt and questioning. I know that she probably doesn't feel as strong as I view her. Brittany is no super hero, she is just like you and me, but her strength has encouraged me. Her continual joy has convicted me. If Brittany can have joy during a trial this big, I can find joy through my trials.
The God of blessings and the God of suffering are the same God.
Lets prepare our hearts for suffering. Lets be a Job. Lets be a Brittany.
Lets love God for God.... not for His gifts!
Lets suffer well.
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." - Job
(Job 1:21)