Sunday, June 2, 2013

For Seven Months, I Wait.

At the conclusion of a study in Ruth, I very clearly knew I  was to begin to study Ezra. Because I completely believe in the sovereignty of God, I think the thoughts I am about to share with you, are all ordained by Him. 

As I began to read Ezra, I read about how the prophecy given by Jeremiah was fulfilled as King Cyrus of Persia made the Proclamation that God's people were to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem in Judah. This was the command of the Lord to the King, and King Cyrus faithfully pursued the command. 

After the King made the proclamation, God began stirring the hearts of His people. They started giving Gold, silver,  and livestock. Not only were the people willing to give, they were willing to go, and many (hundreds) began to make their way to Jerusalem.  When the people arrived, they continued  to selflessly give. When there wasn't enough money to complete the work God had commanded, the people would give even more. 

This went on and on with many troubles and times of persecution in the way. For seven months, each day they burnt offerings, but the foundation still was not laid, so once again they gave. They gave money, food, drink, prayers and their time. Finally, after these long seven months, the foundation of the Lords temple was finally laid.  

When it was laid, the Priest, their vestments, Levites, and the sons of Asaph all came with trumpets and praised God giving thanks to the Lord! They shouted, "for He is good, and His steadfast love endures forever toward Israel," (Ezra 3:8) and "all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid!"  (Ezra 3:9).  

My favorite part in this portion of scripture says that they shouted so loudly with joy that the sound was heard from very far away.  

There is no coincidence that in 7 months, I leave for Uganda. In 7 months I depart, not from Persia to Jerusalem, but from North Carolina to Uganda to complete the command God clearly spoke into my life. 

Like King Cyrus, I have shared the calling of God on my life, with those around me. 

For seven months, I too will wait. I will wait for God to stir the hearts of those around me who believe in this calling from God and believe He has great work to be done in Uganda, through me. For seven months,  I too will wait. I will wait on God to speak to those around me and I will watch them faithfully and sacrificially give of themselves, with monetary gifts and prayers. 

For seven months, I will wait. At the completion of those seven months, the foundation of my ministry will be built as I move to Africa. The move will be possible because of the sacrificial giving of others.

I believe with all my heart that God will provide every cent I need for this trip to occur. On the day that happens, I too will shout with Joy, along with many other people around me. I will praise God and give Him thanks, because His steadfast love endures in my life, forever. It is my prayer that my praise is so evident, that people around me and from afar, see and hear my praise and understand the sovereignty of God because of it. 

I too may face times of trouble and tribulation during the next seven months, but what hope I have in knowing through those times of trouble, Gods work will be accomplished! 

I am so thankful for the encouragement I gained from Ezra. I am so encouraged by the faithfulness of the people of Persia. I am so comforted in the knowledge that God WILL provide. 

So now, for seven months, I wait. 

"For He is good, and His steadfast love last forever!!!" - Ezra 3:8

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