Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The basement is our favorite place!: Canada Day 2

Day two? There is no way! I feel like I have been here for weeks! We are absolutely loving this city of Toronto. This very lost city of Toronto.

Our day started off with church. Probably not the type of church you attended. We met with approximately fifteen people in the back of a coffee shop/boutique shop. There was no structure, no child care, no projector or spotlights. But there was the presence of God, and it was a sweet sweet time.

Our day from there worked up to 4 o'clock when the launch of Trinity Life Church would begin. It was a great time, and seemingly successfully. When returning to our hostile we were extremely tired but decided to go hang out in the basement for a little while. While there I wrote this in my journal. 

"Sitting in a hostile basement with over 50 people. People from all over the world,  and at least most (though, I am pretty sure all) are lost. I hear too distinct conversations. Both of which are the Gospel being presented. I am not sure if I have ever  been so encouraged.

I am so encouraged because in this moment I am reminded of what "missions" are. What being a "missionary" is. We came to Toronto to help with a church plant. There are specific streets, building and places we have planned to witness at. More importantly, our beds are upstairs waiting for us. 

But where does God have us? In a basement sitting at a table with people from Switzerland, Germany, and Israel. I don't know what the outcomes of these conversations will be, but I know that I just heard these words.... "I am extremely curious!".

What is missions? it is being ready. It is being willing. It is being obedient where you are. 

Praise God for His hand being in Toronto. Praise God for letting us join Him in His work!"

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” -Romans 10:13-15 

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