Monday, June 18, 2012



After driving for twenty minutes the van pulled over as  I watched five of my new friends pile out.  Thats when it hit me. Thats when I grasped the idea that these precious boys I had been with all day were homeless. Most of them were on drugs. The only meal they received today was the one we provided for them. They may not receive another meal until wednesday when we see them again. So as I watched the boys start walking down the street... my heart sank and I began to feel nauseous. They will be sleeping on the street tonight... without a mom and dad, or anyone to tell them they love them...

My day started off with a nap. I have never been so tired in my life... then we headed out for the street project. Examining everything around me, I can't help but compare it to Liberia. I miss all my friends there so much. 

My biggest fear of this trip was medical clinics, and I thought maybe I would escape from this duty. God is funny and within the first five minutes of being there... I began this daunting task. To my surprise, I LOVED cleaning wounds and bandaging arms and legs. The ability to serve these kids is a huge blessing. I wish so bad I could bandage and fix their lives, not just their hands and feet.

One of the boys I bandaged was hurt because he was beaten by the police yesterday. He was one of the 25 street children unjustly imprisoned. We tried to go see and feed the other (19) who were not released and permission was given to us. When arriving, they were not there anymore, and so we drove to the location they were said to be at. There, they informed us they moved... this time to a place like a children's prison where most likely they will be very much mistreated. They will not be released now. They have not received food since they were first taken. 

A perfect injustice. The way these children live is unjust. The love our sovereign God can show them is perfect. In prayer over these precious boys lives. 

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