Today I felt my heart break a little bit!
After a long week and extra long day I stopped by the grocery store on my way home from work to get some stuff to cook dinner. I went to the spaghetti isle and began looking through the tomato sauces (I never seem able to choose what to get).
Soon after beginning my contemplation of sauces, I began hearing two African-American ladies beside me talk about one of the ladies work places. They seemed to know all the same people and I assume they previously worked together. One lady says, "I can't stand that blonde headed lady." They then began saying "white people" over and over again describing those "white people" they worked with... in a very negative way.
By this point, though I was looking at the tomato sauce, I was not thinking about anything except for their conversation. My body was shaking all over and I was so furious.... and then things got even better....
With no exaggeration... I was about a foot away from these ladies (not sure why they felt the need to stand so close to me) and the same lady said........ "PEOPLE LIKE THEM ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHING" as she looked towards me. By this point my anger was causing water to form in my eyes and I had NO clue what to do. You may think I was being over dramatic, but let me explain a little further.....
This lady... the one who very boldly expressed her racism, also boldly expressed... "I am a christian women." not once, not twice, but a lot of times... almost as she was assuring herself.
HOLDD UPPPP!!! This is what I wanted (and should have) said.... Do you and me serve the same God??
The God I love.... loves everyone. The God I love sent His only son to this awful earth to die... on a cross... for EVERYONEE (not whatever color your messed up brain thinks is better than every other color)! The God I love... commands me to love my neighbors as myself, and even tells me that that is the greatest commandment of all.
This instance then had my brain stirring. I know many "christian" white individuals who whether they admit it or not... are racist! You think inter-racial marriage is a sin? PLEASE show me where in scripture it says that! Are you OK with the fact you go to a baptist "white church" when there is a baptist "black church" a mile down the road? Why are churches segregated... it makes NO sense! Do you think you are better than your yellow, black or purple neighbors? WAKE UP CALL..... Jesus did NOT look pail like you..... He was Jewish.
I am NOT telling you that you are not a Christian if you are racist, simply because God says in His Word that no one has the authority to judge but Him. So I will not make that accusation.... and leave it to Him to tell you what He thinks on judgement day!
I AM saying.... you do NOT understand what Christ love is until you love EVERYONE!
If I was not already a believer and had heard this lady speak of me in this manner, and proclaimed that she was "a christian women," I can assure you that I would not want to know the God she served. If you are talking down about races yourself, you too are ruining your testimony and turning away people from the Kingdom of God.
WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! racism is sin. Take a stand against it, and simply get over yourselves!
Repost this blog, or tell your grandma or cousins, or whoever it that you see discriminating that this is what you believe! Preach it just as hard as you are preaching "say no to drugs." Tweet it, facebook it... something.... Its about time Christians truly start showing the love of God.
.... getting off my soapbox now!
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." -Matthew 25:40
Side Note: I understand what the South was like not that long ago, and I can NOT imagine being a African-American who had to go through such harsh discrimination. Just felt the need to clarify that I do not dismiss or take this lightly. It is just time to stop using history as an excuse.
Friday, February 17, 2012
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