Monday, February 27, 2012

DNOW 2012

This weekend I had the great privilege of being a leader at DNOW youth conference at First baptist Church in Rocky Mount, NC.

I can promise you the six eighth graders I hung out with all weekend were the coolest girls in the world. Even better than the fact they were 1. Hilarious 2. stylish 3. talented.... they most importantly all love the Lord with all their hearts.... for that reason I completely fell in love with these girls!

Out topic of the weekend was ... "are you really a Christian?"

Its kind of like when someone ask you a question and the answer is so simple that you just know it can't be right... but it is.

This is salvation. It is so simple it seems like there just has to be more to it... but there isn't.

The one single ingredient to being "born-again" is receiving the Holy Spirit, and we do that by having faith that God sent His only (Perfect) son to a (sinful) world to be our perfect sacrifice on the cross.  

We talked about Nicodemus who was one of the most religious people of his time.... and though he believed in Jesus, and was so close.... He was not actually a Christian... because he had not come to understand the one single ingredient.

Though I was teaching this to these girls, our hours and hours of conversations were also beneficial and convicting to my own life.

Very long story short .... this weekend was a blessing!

1. Hilarious

2. Stylish

3. Talented

DNOW frames
REALLY talented at forming pyramids

Painting our Hearts away
: )

Arts and Crafts


Friday, February 24, 2012

So you are going to Africa? Why?

When I tell people I am going to Africa, they automatically say "I am proud of you" or "that's so amazing" or, well... be creative, but you get the gist.

I am not sure what people assume I will be doing there, but I guess it would be save to assume that if I can going all the way to Africa I will be doing something good.

So that your mind does not have to wonder, assume, or imagine I want to tell you exactly what I will be doing in Uganda!

  • Helping/leading street children programs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
    • Hour of medical clinic where we do simple things such as first aid of cleaning cuts, putting on band-aids....
    • Serve the street boys food
  • Each Monday we will lead a bible study for the women's program
  • Each Monday we will do a school lesson and play games with the Street children.
  • Each Wednesday we will teach a school lesson and have a time of arts and crafts
  • Each Friday will will teach a school lesson and have a game followed by a bible study for the street children.
  • Friday nights we will watch a movie with the kids and spend time investing in their lives
  • Each Saturday we will do crafts with the boys program and spend time with them and invest in their lives
  • On Tuesdays and Thursday we will go to the slum and provide food and spend time in prayer.
  • At night we will go out and look for street children who are sleeping on the streets. We will give them a special treat and pray with them and encourage them... hopefully having opportunities to share the Gospel.
Of course, this is not the only thing we will be doing... but it is the most concrete schedule I can provide you.

The main goal would be to share the Gospel and share Christ love with everyone we can possibly come in contact with.

Please be praying for me and Elisa and the rest of our team as we prepare. I am thankful for each of you!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


(What follows, is my support letter for my upcoming trip to Africa. I am trusting God to provide for me, as He has many times before. Feel free to repost this blog, or distribute this letter. For security reasons, my address is not included... please contact me if you would like to have it.)

Hello all; its Jordan Ellinwood here. As most of you know, I am an undergraduate student at North Carolina State University where I study Public Relations and minor in Non-Profit Studies. My goal is to one day work at or run a non-profit.

For worship, I attend Evangelical Methodist Church in Elizabeth City, and Providence Baptist Church while in Raleigh.  Both churches have had a major role in my growth as a young Christian women. For many years I have had the desire to participate in missions overseas. In the past year, I have not only felt that same desire but have learned the great importance of it. I now know it is part of my duties as a Christian to “tell the nations.” 

This past December I spent Christmas in Liberia, Africa with Christian Revival Church Association. I did a variety of different things some being construction work, passing out shoe boxes through Samaritans Purse-Operation Christmas Child, leading a conference, and much more.  It was the most life changing experience of my life, thus far. People often asked if I went through culture shock. My answer: yes… when I returned to America.  I in no way think Americans should feel guilty; I do know that we are blessed more than I could ever understand. Since I have been back, every day I think about how bad I want to be back there.

One specific morning I woke up not wanting to be in America. I had left a piece of my heart in Liberia, and I would have done anything to be back. That same day I was approached by a friend about a trip to Uganda. Though it wasn’t Liberia, God began to make it clear in small and subtle ways that He wants me in Uganda. He has given me an overwhelming love for Africa, and I can’t wait to serve there again. I will be working alongside of Abby and David Kakeeto’s ministry, A Perfect Injustice, which prioritizes both the resettling of street children with their biological families when possible and building permanent homes for the children that cannot be resettled.

I completely trust God to monetarily to provide for me to make this trip, though it often times seems impossible. In order to take this trip, it will cost approximately 2,600 dollars, and I would need to raise this money extremely fast.  

If you feel lead to help me monetarily it would be greatly appreciated. It you are unable to give in that way please keep me in your prayers as we seek God’s will in Uganda. I am very excited about this experience and I am very glad you will be a part of this experience with me.

Checks can be written to Jordan Ellinwood. If you are uncomfortable with writing me a personal check you can write it to Evangelical Methodist Church but please write my name in the memo line to direct these funds.  Checks can be mailed to the address above.

Love through Christ,

Jordan Ellinwood

To read about my recent trip to Liberia visit my blog:
To read about Abby and David Kakeeto ministry visit:
If you would like to personally meet with me to discuss my trip contact me at: 252-562-3997

Monday, February 20, 2012



I have some BIG news....

You might want to sit down for this....


I can not yet give you complete details, but I can tell you God has made it pretty clear I am going to Uganda in May.

I COMPLETELY believe He will provide, but honestly feel slightly anxious about how I will raise the support to go... I need a lot of money in a little amount of time.

What can you do for me?

1. Simply PRAY!!!

2. If you or your church would like me to send you a support letter please let me know! If anyone knows of any type of grants or scholarships I can apply for, I would also appreciate information about it!



Friday, February 17, 2012

RACISM... prepare yourself for my soapbox

Today I felt my heart break a little bit!

After a long week and extra long day I stopped by the grocery store on my way home from work to get some stuff to cook dinner. I went to the spaghetti isle and began looking through the tomato sauces (I never seem able to choose what to get). 

Soon after beginning my contemplation of sauces, I began hearing two African-American ladies beside me talk about one of the ladies work places. They seemed to know all the same people and I assume they previously worked together. One lady says, "I can't stand that blonde headed lady." They then began saying "white people" over and over again describing those "white people" they worked with... in a very negative way.

By this point, though I was looking at the tomato sauce, I was not thinking about anything except for their conversation. My body was shaking all over and I was so furious.... and then things got even better....

With no exaggeration... I was about a foot away from these ladies (not sure why they felt the need to stand so close to me) and the same lady said........ "PEOPLE LIKE THEM ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHING" as she looked towards me. By this point my anger was causing water to form in my eyes and I had NO clue what to do. You may think I was being over dramatic, but let me explain a little further.....

This lady... the one who very boldly expressed her racism, also boldly expressed... "I am a christian women." not once, not twice, but a lot of times... almost as she was assuring herself.

HOLDD UPPPP!!! This is what I wanted (and should have) said.... Do you and me serve the same God??

The God I love.... loves everyone. The God I love sent His only son to this awful earth to die... on a cross... for EVERYONEE (not whatever color your messed up brain thinks is better than every other color)! The God I love... commands me to love my neighbors as myself, and even tells me that that is the greatest commandment of all.

This instance then had my brain stirring. I know many "christian" white individuals who whether they admit it or not... are racist! You think inter-racial marriage is a sin? PLEASE show me where in scripture it says that! Are you OK with the fact you go to a baptist "white church" when there is a baptist "black church" a mile down the road? Why are churches segregated... it makes NO sense! Do you think you are better than your yellow, black or purple neighbors?  WAKE UP CALL..... Jesus did NOT look pail like you..... He was Jewish.

I am NOT telling you that you are not a Christian if you are racist, simply because God says in His Word that no one has the authority to judge but Him. So I will not make that accusation.... and leave it to Him to tell you what He thinks on judgement day!

I AM saying.... you do NOT understand what Christ love is until you love EVERYONE!

If I was not already a believer and had heard this lady speak of me in this manner, and proclaimed that she was "a christian women," I can assure you that I would not want to know the God she served. If you are talking down about races yourself, you too are ruining your testimony and turning away people from the Kingdom of God.

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! racism is sin. Take a stand against it, and simply get over yourselves!

Repost this blog, or tell your grandma or cousins, or whoever it that you see discriminating that this is what you believe! Preach it just as hard as you are preaching "say no to drugs." Tweet it, facebook it... something.... Its about time Christians truly start showing the love of God.

.... getting off my soapbox now!

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." -Matthew 25:40

Side Note: I understand what the South was like not that long ago, and I can NOT imagine being a African-American who had to go through such harsh discrimination. Just felt the need to clarify that I do not dismiss or take this lightly. It is just time to stop using history as an excuse.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Some single people hate valentines day... quite frankly I think that is dumb! Some people think setting aside a day to show your love is dumb because you should love people everyday... I don't understand that one either!!!

I LOVE Valentines Day! What a sweet reminder of all the amazing people in my life that continually show me love!

Also.... how awesome to be able to celebrate love without being in a relationship! This valentines day was extra special... I spent it celebrating this amazing season of life of singleness God has blessed us with, with some GREAT VALENTINES!!

I tried to get a little creative this year with my "celebrate your singleness" party. Let me know what ya think! : )

Gina and Brooke woke up to this gifts that said "you rock my socks" with some cute socks inside!!
(socks are my favorite gifts to give them!)

      Scored these napkins at Walmart for $1.50
 they say "happy singles awareness day" and "i may be single but that doesn't mean I am desperate!"

I made this on decorative cardstock and framed it! It is a good reminder for us single folks! : )
I just cut out hearts are hung them on a tan string with tape

I got a vase (dollar tree) and painted "celebrate your singleness" on it with pink puff paint, then tied a red ribbon.
 Great utensil holder.
If you don't have puff paint... invest in some! Its amazing!

Brittany Hall made these, but they are on of my favs to make for parties also.
Square pretzels, Hersey kisses... pop them in the oven for a while, and then press m&m's on them while they are hot

Scored a awesome cupcake tree on sale at Walmart for $6 (they probably still have some)
Made strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese icing... and pink sprinkles of course!
Brooke made cheesecake brownies.... yummm!

I have to admit... got this idea from pintrest!
This was my FAVORITE valentines day craft.
cut the hearts out of decorative cardstock and hot glued them to the bottle!

Don't you hate at parties when you never know which cup is yours?
I took scrapbook paper and cut out hearts and wrote everones name on them.
I then took two pieces of tan string and tied a bow with the heart on it, unto a mason jar.
Boys got gray and girls got pink! Everyone got a pink straws.

For dinner I made chicken casserole (my moms recipe). I had never made it before,but it was great!
The bread was baked fresh from Walmarts bakery.. All i did was cut it an put it in the oven.... so good!
We had veggies too... but nothing exciting!

A few single folks enjoying the meal

Wish I coud take credit for this craft! Brittany Hall made it for me!
Homemade gumball machine: flower pot and candle holder!
too cute!

Everyone got this for valentines! My favorite card yet!

It was a GREATT day! Can't forget how we know what love is... John 3:16

So thankful for my Fathers unconditional love!!!! 

Monday, February 13, 2012


On January 8th, the last day of Winter break Jordan(not me, my sister), Trent (7 years old) and I decided to go "explore" the fields behind our house. Since moving in July, I have not taken the time to explore our new backyard. I had no clue there was a pond, and Trent was so excited to show me! Him and my dad had cut a path with the machete I brought them from Africa, and Trent was so proud of their work.

While enjoying the lovely scenery, we then decide to ride the four-wheeler... one of our favorite things to do. After about a hour, Carson (3 yrs old) wanted to join, so we let him. Jordan was taking her turn, and I was playing with my new camera and taking pictures of Carson and Trent.

This is when things got interesting. I heard "JOOORRDDAAANNN" and turned around to see Jordan running and screaming.... with a on-fire 4wheeler following her.

The four-wheeler then stopped and was completely inflamed. Within a matter of seconds the field was on fire and was spreading quickly. Carson began to cry when I told him and Trent to run home. I called my dad over Trent's walky-talky, that my parents always make him have on the four-wheeler in case of a emergency. My dad panicked and started running toward us from home, I am sure with the frightening assumption Trent was on the four-wheeler. Sad part is... he had thrown his back out earlier that day, and so he looked as if he was doing the "wobble," as he ran towards us. It amazed me that he could walk earlier that day, but the second he thought his children were in trouble... he made things happen!

Jordan by this time had ran home with Carson in her arms, to call 911, and my mom (the more intelligent one of my parents) had DRIVEN THE CAR (duhh dad) there with fire extinguishers. Trent had been running back and forth, doing exactly what we told him the entire time. We had seven fire extinguisher hidden in our house that no one even knew about, thanks to my very safety oriented dad... Trent did a great job retrieving them. He at no point panicked, and I was so proud.

One thing went wrong the entire process (excluding the fact we caught the field on fire)... My dad needed the phone to call the fire station (I think I forgot to mention: he is fire Marshall) so he told Trent to run home and get his cellphone. Trent obeyed and ran home. When he got home he asked Jordan if she had called 911, and when she responded yes.... he ran back to the inflamed field....without the cellphone.

Trent was told specific instructions, but instead of listening to them, he interpreted them himself, and thought he had it all figured out.

Isn't if funny how we do that all the time? God gives us clear as day instructions. Whether it be through scripture, through other peoples words, or Him speaking to our hearts, He often gives us instructions to guide our lifes. We then decide for ourselves what the instructions mean. Sometimes when we are in the midst of a emergency... He instructs us what to do, but for some reason, we think we have it all figured out!

Example: Like my dad told Trent to go get the phone and he decided Jordan already fixed the problem, God tells us to "go tell the nations" and we decided because the missionaries are doing it, we don't have to. God tells us to go somewhere that isn't safe, and we decide someone more daring and adventurous will do it. God tells us to share the Gospel with our friends, and we assume someone else will do it. God tells us to love our neighbor, but we decide, since that other friend of ours shows Christ love, we don't have to.

When we are in the midst of life's fire.... just go get the cellphone! And by that I mean...

When we are in the midst of life's fire.... we need to listen to our Father...our Heavenly father... who cares enough for each of us, to instruct us in the time of trouble.

It was such a beautiful day!
The pond Trent introduced me too!

isn't she cute? LOVE my Jordan!

Oh look who is here to join us... CARSON!

picture time

This is the picture I was taking when I heard the awful sound of my name being screamed....

fyi: everyone was ok, and we put out the fire before it was too bad. Trent even probably enjoyed a visit from all the fire trucks. I wish I had been smart enough to take a picture of the field on fire... but it was the last thing on my mind at the time!

(please rememeber to click the "join this site" so you can become a follower of my blog... it just makes me feel good to know people are reading) : )

Saturday, February 4, 2012

14 reason's I will never forget 2011...

2012! Doesn't that just sound like a "in the future" type of date??? My children one day are going to think I am SO old when I tell them I was born in the 1900's!

This year has been amazing, and very much event filled. The one word i could summarize this year up with is CHANGE. Change is the one thing in life I struggle the most with, and do not handle it very well. I have to say, I think I have gotten a lot better at it this year. Here is the top 14 most memorable/ life changing events of the year (in no particular order)!

1. I went to Disney World... twice! Once with a group of amazing girls, and then again in the summer with my wonderful family!!

 2. While keeping my brothers for a week.... Carson busted his head opem and I got the pleasure of taking him to get stitches! I think it was a life changing day!
 3. Sigma Alpha Omega won SECOND PLACE in the homecoming competition, that I got the pleasure of being chair of. I then got to go on the football field during halftime... AMAZING EXPERIENCE!
 3. I had a new addition to my life... LOVE MY BIKE, and all the adventure we have been on together! : )
 4. Janna, Michelle, and Trent... GRADUATED! Janna and Michelle from High School, and Trent from elementary school. Michelle then moved to Virginia! : ( This year with her as a Ellinwood, was amazing. So blessed that our family is ALWAYS growing....

 5. Cancer took Ms. JoAnnes life.... Hardest part of the year.... but thankful for the twenty years she influenced me! LOVE HER, and can't wait to see her in Glory!!
 6. My Papa both got and got rid of Cancer. PRAISE THE LORD!! I loved being able to celebrate it at Relay for Life. I also was chair of this event for Sigma Alpha Omega...such a honor.
 7. I WENT TO AFRICA!!!!! Best part of the year!!!
 8. We gained another Ellinwood ....JORDAN ELLINWOOD BUTLER!! By far, she is the most hilarious sibling!!!! It has been sooo great to grow closer to her. At the beginning of 2012, she moved out of our house... but she will forever be part of our family!
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All my sibling during the 2011 Hurricane!!! See why I love them??

 9. One of my favorite days of 2011! Kristie, Michelle, Janna, and I spent the entire day together... having picnics and playing in mud, just like the good 'ol days!! We rarely get to all be it was a special time!

 10. I was chosen to be on the executive board of Sigma Alpha Omega. Exec. went on a leadership weekend to Georgia... it was SO BEAUTIFUL!

 11. My family moved. I DID NOT handle this change very well, and definitely owe my parents a big apology for my awful attitude. Leaving the house we grew up in , and the best place ever (WEEKSVILLE) to the city (gross) in the church parking lot.... NOT easy.... But I am so thankful for parents who follow the Lords plan. He is always so faithful to us.

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This is just one example of why we love living in the middle of no where..... we can do odd things like this....

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See why I will miss Weeksville?? Its beautiful!

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Last Easter in the Weeksville house!
12. I got a little sister, in Sigma Alpha Omega Sorority! I LOVE my Jessica!


14. Kayla and Brandon got married, and I got the honor of being a part of their wedding!

These are just 14 events... the list goes on!