Monday, August 11, 2014

Guess where I am??

As I type this I am sitting in Washington D.C. waiting for a flight that will take me to Ethiopia.

If you are reading this, then I am in Uganda! 

If you are shocked and wondering why you didn't know - its because no one really did - I am surprising all my sweet friends there. 

God has taken me on one big adventure this year, and I am thankful He has once again led me to a place He has also called me to love and serve. 

I would love for you to pray for me. Pray that God would work through me this week and accomplish big things. Pray that His name would be made great through me. Pray that I am able to make this week not about me, but about Him! 

......Pictures to come of a bunch of epic reunions. 

Thank you for loving me, supporting me and being amazing prayer warriors alongside me.  

