Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I Wore Leggings Today

When you opened this post, you most likely expected me to tell you wearing leggings was wrong. Actually, I want to do the opposite. 

Today I wore leggings. Recently in christian circles this has been a hot topic. First, I want to point out that modesty is extremely important, and as a christian woman, it is your job to respect your brothers in Christ by dressing in a way that glorifies God. Also, as God commands us to be set apart from the world, we must understand the way we dress must go against social norms. Because it is popular, does not mean it is ok to wear.  I strongly recommend you read the five myths about modesty, that explains why this is so important, well. I also want to humbly confess, I have dressed immodestly many times before, I have not always made the best decisions in this area in my life, and feel certain there are still ways I could improve in this area. 

That said, I did wear leggings today and I did not feel convicted about it. Absolutely, leggings can be worn in a way that is inappropriate, but I truly believe that they can be worn in a tasteful manor (Your butt covered - a must!!!). I felt more modest in my leggings than I did in my nike shorts that I wore to the gym. The same shorts that I have worn in my church before, and felt completely comfortable in. 

Whether I wear leggings or not, is not the point. (I honestly can't tell you whether wearing them is right or wrong - that is opinion based) What you think about me because I wear or do not wear them, is. 

Lately my facebook newsfeed and twitter feed have been blowing up with comments such as "leggings are not pants" (that is the nicest of the comments). There have been pictures, that in a very degrading way insult every girl that has worn them or wears them. Many times I have read a facebook status or tweet and my stomach dropped as I thought of the girls who I knew would read it, and wear leggings. Girls whom have a relationship with the Lord that I respect and strive to have. Also, as a young woman who is trying to disciple younger girls and hold conversations on the importance of modesty in a way to respect men - I am hurt by the way those same girls are being disrespected as the way they dress is being publicly criticized on social media by the men they are striving to respect. 

We can't not talk about that fact scripture says to hold our brothers and sisters in Christ accountable. Matthcew 18:17 says, 

“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector."

Scripture never says to publicly call out someones wrong doings. If you feel like a girl is wronging her brothers by the way she dresses, go talk to her about it. Don't call her out on social media so the next time she is in your presence she feels judged. 

Also, have you thought how the unbeliever who read your judgmental comments may feel? If I was not a believer and read how it was wrong to wear leggings, I probably would never want to attend your church and I certainly would feel judged by you.  Romans 14:1 says, "accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgement on disputable matters." WAKE UP: whether leggings are wrong are not is disputable, so chill out and start focusing on something that matters. 

This is exactly what Jesus warns the pharisee's against in Scripture. He commanded them not to be so focused on laws, but rather just to tell people about Him. He would do the heart transformation and convicting - that isn't and never has been our job. 

You may think you know all the right ways to date as a christian, but when you place billions of rules on it, you are turning away people from desiring a Christ-like relationship. You are also making those who are not following your legalistic rules, feel judged. 

You may have decided you only want to listen to religious music. That is absolutely wonderful, but don't tell me I am wrong for not feeling the same conviction. (Disclaimer: what you listen to and don't listen to is important, but there is tasteful music that is not religious.)

You may have decided to not wear makeup, because God made you how he wanted you to look. Well that is great, but don't make me feel guilty for not feeling that way. (If a house needs painting... paint it.) 

The biggest cause of atheism is Christianity - this is statistically proven. Don't take part in this statistic. Veer away from legalism. Simply tell people the name of Jesus, and let Him do the rest.