Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Am One of the Few. I Am One of the Ordinary.

"I am 21 years old and when I graduate from college I am moving to Africa to serve people who face injustice." Somehow there is a stigma that comes with that statement. Somehow I feel like I am "that girl." For some reason, I feel extremely awkward when those words come out of my mouth.

As I meditated on why this was, I realized that the reason for my apparent awkwardness is that I don't want people to think highly of me for making this move. 

I also meditated on this: why is it that people think this is so amazing? Well, it is because it is out of the norm. It seems out of the norm at least. You may think that God is calling me to do something out of the ordinary. You may think that I am doing something that other young adults aren't.

But that is where I think you are wrong, and where I find MUCH comfort and joy. I am actually doing something very normal and very common. I am actually doing something that God is not only calling me to, but is calling people all around me to! I in fact am doing something very ordinary. Let me explain:

It breaks my heart that people view my generation as the lost generation. Many people don't like our music, our piercings and tattoos (I use "our" as a big generalization). Some don't like our modern hymns and the way we have replaced our organs with guitars. There are many who simply don't like the "change", but let me tell you what is being produced among this change. Let me tell you about the RADICAL things God is doing in my generation - my "not so lost" generation. He is rising up a generation who understands the meaning of "go tell the Nations." He is creating a generation where "moving to Africa" is just a ordinary and normal thing.

Meet Laura Beth. Last summer she moved to Senegal, Africa for a year to serve the Lord and make His name known on college campuses and around the city. God has been working through her in mighty ways, and people have been added to the Kingdom. God has even worked through her to change the hearts of Muslims.

Meet Hilary. A beautiful girl who will soon graduate with a degree from NCSU but is putting that all on hold to move to Senegal, Africa this summer and will be there for a year.

Meet Michael. Michael dedicated his life to ministry and has faithfully been serving the campus of NCSU for the past year, but now is obeying the calling of the Lord and moving to Senegal, Africa this summer and staying for a year.

Meet Kaitlin. She has dedicated her life to the Lord and is moving to Sweden to serve him in January. Leaving her family, friends and boyfriend here... she is willing to drop everything to do His work.

Meet Rachel. A sweet friend God recently put in my life that though had no desire to move out of the country, faithfully answered the Lords call to move to Uganda (down the street from me) to work with International Justice Mission (IJM). She leaves next month and will serve the Lord in Uganda for a year.

Meet Caitlin and Carson. These Newly married
 young adults with two beautiful children, have a established life in Raleigh, NC. They love the Lord so much and are so passionate about the Gospel, they are seeking ways to pack up their newly formed family and go serve the Lord in Central Asia.

Meet Jessica Matthews, who for a little over a year and a half  has been making the Lord's name great in Taiwan. She is a perfect example of going wherever the Lord leads.

Meet Lindsay and Brett. After being married for two years with newly formed careers in Raleigh, NC, are packing up to move to Central Asia to serve the Lord.

Meet Abby. A teacher in Raleigh, NC and last years "Teacher of the Year." Even though she has a beautiful classroom with children who speak her language, she after feeling God stir her heart, is moving to Central Asia in just a few short months.

Meet Kelly and Eric. A absolutely beautiful family with a beautiful little girl who though have a established life in Raleigh are also moving to central Asia in a few short months to make Gods name great!

Meet Kirk and Anna. A young couple who immediately following their marriage, packed up and moved to Ukraine. They are dedicated to adding to the Kingdom.

Meet Brooke. One the the most intelligent people I know who will soon go through medical school with the goal of dedicating her life to medical missions overseas.

Meet Mike and Missy
(who may be a little bit out of my generation). They dropped everything they knew and moved to Toronto, Canada with their two beautiful girls to church plant and share the name of Jesus to a dark and lost city.

Meet Brittany. She is only a sophomore in college but is already praying that God send her "to the ends of the earth" and share the Good News. While she waits for the calling to "go" she faithfully serves international students on her college campus.

This is just a very short list of the people in my very small circle of friends that God is sending. The list is much much larger, I promise you. So, yes, I am that girl going to Africa... but thankfully I tell you, I am not "the" girl but rather one of the many. Let the knowledge of all these faithful young adults motivate you to be added to the list: because  "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Good News!" (Romans 10:15)

We are commanded to go to the ends of the earth proclaim the gospel (Mark 16:15) We are commanded to go and make disciples of ALL nations (Matthew 28:19)

I am so excited to join the norm that these ordinary people are acting upon. I am so excited to go tell the nations the Good News of the Gospel.