Now I could play in it, and because I was suppose to! The only problem was... I really didn't want to be soaking wet... but I saw a opening that seemed to be a safe zone. Me and my beautiful friends all ran in, me feeling like my dreams were coming true, and we began taking pictures.
Then I saw this mischievousness little boy standing by the column the water came out of , with his hands grasping the water hole. He was staring at us very intentionally, and I quickly prepared myself to get soaked!
I very dramatically said, "ARE YOU ABOUT TO GET US WET LITTLE BOY??!??"
He very dramatically responded, "NO, I am the reason you are not soaked!"
I then realized he had been covering the water hole with his hands for us the entire time so we would not get wet. I laughed and then went and thanked him, feeling very stupid... and selfish!
This story came to my mind the other day while I was thinking about Gods plan for my life. I so desperately want to know what the next few years hold. Lately, I have heard almost everyone I know saying these similar words.
We ask God so many "why" questions. Why don't I have this thing or that thing. Why am I not in a relationship? Why don't I know what career path to choose?
Or why did you let that happen? Why is my life like this?
God responds, " NO, I am the reason you are not soaked!" He is the one holding back all those things we ask him about. He is protecting us.
I think if we could see what God was doing for us, we would also laugh, thank him, and then feel very stupid... and selfish!
"He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." -John 15:2
Though it may be painful, the things that God withholds from our life our places in our life... it is all to help us bear fruit. It is for the betterment of our lives!
Thankful for Gods provision over my life. Whether it be withholding things from me or giving me things I don't exactly want... He knows what He is doing, and He is doing it for my good!