Saturday, September 29, 2012

"I am the reason you are not soaked!"

We were in the beautiful Charleston, South Carolina walking alongside the water way when we started seeing children in bathing suites. I was a little confused, and couldn't figure out where they were swimming. Soon after, we saw it. A beautiful fountain that you could play in! I LOVE fountains in general, and the last time I was in one I was freaking out because I felt like I was breaking the law.

Now I could play in it, and because I was suppose to! The only problem was... I really didn't want to be soaking wet... but I saw a opening that seemed to be a safe zone. Me and my beautiful friends all ran in, me feeling like my dreams were coming true, and we began taking pictures.

Then I saw this mischievousness little boy standing by the column the water came out of , with his hands grasping the water hole. He was staring at us very intentionally, and I quickly prepared myself to get soaked!

I very dramatically said, "ARE YOU ABOUT TO GET US WET LITTLE BOY??!??"

He very dramatically responded, "NO, I am the reason you are not soaked!"

I then realized he had been covering the water hole with his hands for us the entire time so we would not get wet. I laughed and then went and thanked him, feeling very stupid... and selfish!

This story came to my mind the other day while I was thinking about Gods plan for my life. I so desperately want to know what the next few years hold. Lately, I have heard almost everyone I know saying these similar words.

We ask God so many "why" questions. Why don't I have this thing or that thing. Why am I not in a relationship? Why don't I know what career path to choose?

Or why did you let that happen? Why is my life like this?

God responds, " NO, I am the reason you are not soaked!" He is the one holding back all those things we ask him about. He is protecting us.

I think if we could see what God was doing for us, we would also laugh, thank him, and then feel very stupid... and selfish!

"He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." -John 15:2 

Though it may be painful, the things that God withholds from our life our places in our life... it is all to help  us  bear fruit. It is for the betterment of our lives! 

Thankful for Gods provision over my life. Whether it be withholding things from me or giving me things I don't exactly want... He knows what He is doing, and He is doing it for my good!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Our Hospital Party With Alex!

The bible is our instruction book. Sometimes we forget to look through the instructions to know how to live our life. It amazes me the things the Bible tell how to do. One thing that may go unnoticed is how to be a friend.

He tells us what a friend is:

John 15:12-15 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 

He tells us what kind of friends we should have:
Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

He tells us how a friend should treat their friends: 

Luke 6:31 And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.

Romans 12:10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Out do one another in showing honor.

Colossians 3:12-14 Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

...and I feel positive the list goes one. 

I have been EXTREMELY blessed with a LOT of friends that follow these instructions. One friend that I specifically think of when I think of a Godly friend is Brittany Hall. Brittany has more friends than anyone on earth, I am certain of. She isn't "kinda" friends with anyone, but close friends with everyone. She gives and gives and gives of herself. 

You treat others as you were to be treated, so when Brittany seemed to be in severe pain the other night at dinner, It was the least me and Ericka could do to take her to the hospital.... 

What awaited us on this adventure we couldn't have dreamed of in a million years. Meet Alex, the most hyper 2yr old in the entire world (at 1am). Who we read stupid books too while he drug Brittany across the waiting room floor, stole Ericka's pretzels, and literally climbed the walls. As you will notice in the next series of pictures.... Ericka was ready to strangle him... but Praise God she refrained! 

Never read this book to your children... it was awful! 

We stayed in the hospital almost all night, and left just as frustrated as we came... but we met Alex, so it was worth it! Praying poor Brittany's ankle heals soon  and she some how refrains from injuring herself, at least for a few months (thats unlikely!) 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

All I want is peace....

The other day a friend of mine was quoted saying the following:

"All I want is peace... actually we aren't even called to peace... so screw it!" - 

Though it may sound a little mellow-dramatic.. it is so true!

We aren't called to peace; God never promised us comfort. God never promised us life would be easy. He did however promise that in Him we could find peace (John 16:33). He did promise us He would never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He did promise us that He would never give us more than we could bare (1 Corinthians 1:13). He did promise us that in all situations, good and bad, He would work them together for our good (Romans 8:28).

But peace... that was never a promise.

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take hart, because  I have overcome the world." -John 16:33

Ironically, a few days before, his brother also gave me some insight on this situation. He was asked that somewhat cliche question, "why do bad things happen?" This question is probably the number one reason of doubt. Believer or not... everyone has thought it. Or what about this one: "why do bad things happen to "good" people."

First of all, what is a "good person?" What scale do we use to determine who is "good" enough to avoid "bad things," or rather the wrath of God? ....

Here is the insight he gave...

We are looking at it COMPLETELY wrong. We should be saying, Why do good things happen to me? Why do good things happen to a "bad" person like me? Who am I to deserve Gods mercy and blessings?

A few weeks ago at a retreat, I was given a journal and was challenged to start a "thankful journal." I was to write down things I was thankful for, anywhere from a beautiful sunset to safety while driving. Big things or little things.... write down all the things  I was thankful for until I got to 1,000.

I am only in the 100's, and it is transforming the way I think. As I walk around campus my mind is just spinning with things I am thankful for. When I find a parking spot near campus, I am beyond thankful. When I drink a pumpkin spice latte.... I am thankful.

And  I pray the next time life throws me a curve ball... I am thankful!

God didn't promise us peace... unwanted situations are going to happen, and do quite often! God doesn't owe us anything... we should be thankful for everything... good and bad!

.... Just what God has been teaching me lately! : ) Praying He can teach you too!

(I have challenged approximately 50 people to complete this Thankful Journal with me! If you are reading this...  I challenge you as well! I PROMISE that it will impact you in a positive way! If you are doing it, let me know! And let me know when you get to 1,000!)

Hugs, Jordan

This week I am SO thankful for my two BEAUTIFUL sisters, Janna and Jordan, who both have Birthdays! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y'ALL!!!!!! 

"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus!" -1 Thessalonians 5:18

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Meet our 2012-2013 executive board! SIGMA.ALPHA.OMEGA.

In 1998, Sigma Alpha Omega was formed at North Carolina State University! There now are chapters all over the nation... but strong we still stand... right where we began... here at NC State! Through a series of amazing leaders SAO as remained... we ARE a "timeless classic." 

It is such a honor to be part of this leadership. We pray that we are just a part of this amazing legacy. We pray that God works through our leadership and all we do glorifies Him! 

Meet Lindsay Speir, President:
Lindsay is soft spoken, and has a BIG heart! Her compassion for others is so evident in her daily life and relationship with others! She hurts when others hurt... adding such great compassion to our sisterhood! Through her busy schedule, she somehow never misses meetings or events, and is always glad to be there! Because the sorority has meant so much to her, her testimony is a testimony in itself of what a blessing Sigma Alpha Omega is to each of our lives!We are blessed to add her to our list of Presidents. 

Meet Jordan Ellinwood, Vice President:

Well, that is me! I would rather leave this description up to someone else... So feel free to send your input! If I would have to guess I would say people would respond, "she is one of a kind." I keep things interesting with my blunt statements and just as readable as a book, facial expressions. I am often way to hyper but hopefully spice things up a little! It is a great honor to be Vice President! I am striving to lead to the best of my ability! 

Meet Holly Martin, Treasurer:
Holly is loud, funny, talkative, and thinks she is a princess! More importantly, she is our encourager! Everyone in Alpha Chapter has received at least one "I am praying for you" text from her. She genuinely cares about each and every sister. She is a prayer warrior, and is faithful to pray at any given time! Because of her bold leadership, we all know to "NEVERRR touch a tshirt till you pay for it!"

Meet Brittany Hall, Secretary:
Brittany is the most personable sister we have! Somehow she manages to be friends with not one or ten, but ALL of our sisters. She is willing to drop anything at anytime to be there for you! Her willing spirit and smiling face is uplifting and encouraging! Her crazy connections have been a great bonus to our sisterhood. If you ever need "the in" just ask Brittany! It has been almost comical the connections she has given us! 

Meet Sarah Stadler, Judicial Board Chair
Sarah is more commonly known as "Sassy Sarah," though she would argue this is not true! She certainly never holds anything back, and if you catch her past 9pm, things get pretty funny! Her amazing artistic abilities have been an amazing addition to the Alpha Chapter. Tshirts, websites, posters... the list goes on, are always PERFECTION! Sarah is busy, but ALWAYS willing! She always does way more than she is required, and always with a willing and happy spirit! 

So now you have met the Executive Board 2012-2013 of Sigma Alpha Omega, Alpha Chapter! We each feel blessed to hold our positions. Together, we are prayerful about EVERY decision. Together, we work to the BEST of our ability. Together, we LOVE each of our sisters. We believe we have a great platform on our campus... grounded first in Christ... and second in Sisterhood!