Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Fall" in love with pumpkin spice rice krispie treats!

About this time of year anything pumpkin sounds good....lattes, pies, and here is a new one for you. It was a big hit in our house. Pumpkin spice rice krispie treats.

  •  3 tsp's of margarine
  • a bag of jiffy pumpkin spice marshmallows
  • 6 cups of rice krispies (I used walmart brand)

Real easy!
  • put the margarine and marshmallows in a pot on medium-high and stir until completely melted.
  • add the rice krispies and stir
  • dump them in a pan and flatten......that's it!
You can find then at Walmart
It is the cheapest, fastest, and easiest desert you could possibility make. SOOO good! Perfect for a fall or Thanksgiving party!

    Sunday, October 23, 2011

    JoAnn Croix.... a mother to us all!

    Twice today I have heard the mention of a strong women of the Bible, Hannah. Hannah was unable to bare children, which was the deepest desire of her heart. She prayed earnestly and believed God would provide. Hannah is known as a women of great faith.

    Ironically, this story reminded me of my dear friend JoAnn Croix who passed away this past Saturday at a very young age from a sudden sickness. One of the many things I have weeped over the past few days is the fact like Hannah, JoAnn's greatest desire was to have children. After many many years of not being able to have children of her own, her and her wonderful husband Gary went through the adoption process and were currently awaiting a child. In there house is a nursery ready for the delivery of a child.

    Psalms 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Many people would say that God did not give her the desires of her heart, and that her life was never completed. It seems unfair that a women with such a passion for a child would not be blessed with one...why would God not hear her cry like he heard Hannah's?

    Today, while hearing multiple times about Hannah, I realized that GOD DID ANSWER HER PRAYER. God did not bless her with one child, two children, three or four.....He blessed her with many. I am a living example of this.

    From a young age Ms. JoAnn treated me as her own. As a Godly example in my life, she began to shape who I am today. Her faithfulness to God and steadfast prayer encouraged me from a young age. Recently, she showed me what Joy in Christ looks like as she remained joyful through the death of her mother.

    JoAnn did not just shape my life, but tons of young peoples. I have great memories of sleepovers, fair trips, Sunday School classes, shopping, good meals, and more. I like hundreds of young girls were ministered to by her at youth camp every summer. She was like a "mom" to us all.

    Hannah said in Samuel 1:27, "For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him." Maybe God did not bless JoAnn with a blood related child, but God blessed me with JoAnn.

    I can't even fathom the joy she must have had to hear the words, "well done my good and faithfull servant." I look forward to the day I hear those words and can praise my Lord with my momma-JoAnn!

    Thursday, October 13, 2011


    Whelp, we have reached the half way mark of the semester...I HAVE SURVIVED!!! While reflecting back on the past three months I have come to the conclusion I have been having a self-identity crisis!!!!!
    I have been.........
    A hairstylist

    A cowgirl...

    A bike model...

    A diner girl...

    A ganster...

    A llama's lover

    A emo/cookie monster??

    A monkey...

    Maybe in the next half of the semester I will figure out who I really am! : ) ........

    Wednesday, October 12, 2011

    Weak Me...Strong Him!!!!

    As my trip to Africa approaches, so does Christmas! Christmas has always been a big deal in my family and is by far my favorite day of the year. The past few years have been even more exciting with little ones around. 

    The other day I was thinking about Christmas, and the fact I will not be with my family this year. It made me sad, and super emotional. I thought to myself, there is no way I can make a big enough impact for it to matter. There is no way the difference I would make would be worth missing Christmas.

    The fact it...that is the truth. "I" can not do anything. GOD CAN. God isn't sending me to Africa for ME to do anything....He is going to do the work through me. Conveniently I cane across a wonderful scripture that clarified this for me.

    "But Lord,' Gideon asked, "how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family" -Judges 6:15

    Just like the Lord spoke to Gideon, He is speaking to me. yes.... I am weak, just like Gideon was, but God is Sovereign and all powerful.

    My devotional book said, "You're right in that no one is worthy to serve God, but the problem is that doesn't matter to God.".... I am so glad that what I think doesn't matter to him!


    Monday, October 10, 2011

    Become the person you would want to date, would want to date!!!!!

    This semester at Providence Baptist Church our college ministry has been listening to a relationship series. I thought that it was going to be about all the things I have heard repeatedly my entire life, but it has been so much more than that. I have grown tremendously through this study so far.
    Two weeks ago our pastor Nick said something that I will treasure forever. He said, "Become the person you would want to date, would want to date." Wow.... it hit me like a ton of bricks. Most girls have list they make of requirements of their dream boy, whether it be mentally or on a piece of paper. Most christian girls have two list. One about silly selfish things and one about real biblical based requirements. I am no exception.We spend our time searching and thinking about boys/men who will meet these standards....we look for someone that will have the most checks on our list.  

    The thing is, is that dream boy is not going to fall in love with us unless we are dream girl. In other words...why would a man completely surrendered to God even consider dating a girl who wasn't completely surrendered to God? We need to be taking actions....we need to become our "list." Since I heard this quote I have been convicted over and over again. Here are some things I am working on to become the person I would want to date, would want to date:

    1. Being Content: I would not want to date someone who is not reliant on God and content with the amazing love He provides for us. I have been working on seeing this season of singleness as a blessing and using it to be able to become depend on God.
    2. Studying the Word: I would not want to date someone who does not value and treasure the Word of God. I have been working on being more passionate about reading and studying.
    3. Being Joyful: I would not want to date someone who did not have the ability to be joyful through life's frustrations. I am trying to learn to be positive and upbeat all the time.
    4. Not over committing: I would not want to date someone who was so committed to other things he did not have time for me and his future family. I have a SERIOUS problem with over committing. I have been praying that God show me what things to take out of my life and also show me what things are important and not important in my life. I want to break this awful habit so that I can be a good wife and mom one day... I wouldn't want to marry a man who has the problem I currently have.

    These things are just my problems. We all have different struggles. If we daily think about becoming the person who want to marry one day.... it really will change our thoughts and actions. I am praying for my future husband, that he too is becoming the person he would want to date, would want to date.