Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I am Resting Resting

I have always loved this song, but tonight it really touched me. I am not going to analyze it or commentate it because it can mean so many different things. Listen to it with a open heart and see if it touches you also....

Jesus I am resting, resting
In the Joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.
Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee,
And Thy beauty fills my soul,
For by Thy transforming power
Thou hast made me whole.


Jesus, I am resting, resting
In the joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.

O how great Thy loving kindness.
Vaster, broader than the sea!
O how marvellous Thy goodness,
Lavished all on me!
Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved,
Know Thy certainty of promise,
And have made it mine.


Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,
I behold Thee as Thou art,
And Thy love, so pure, so changeless,
Satisfies my heart;
Satisfies its deepest longings,
Meets supplies its every need,
Compasseth me round with blessings;
Thine is love indeed!


Ever lift Thy face upon me,
As I work and wait for Thee;
Resting 'neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus,
Earth's dark shadows flee.
Brightness of my Father's glory,
Sunshine of my Father's face,
Keep me ever trusting, resting;
Fill me with Thy grace.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Week to Remember

This week I had the great honor of playing "mommy." While my parents took 21 teenagers to camp in West Virginia I had my three year old brother Carson and six year old brother Trent.

Day one I took them to a Birthday Party and it was lots of fun. I found that a joy of being a parent is watching them have fun and also fellowshiping with their friends parents.
Morgan giving Carson a ride
Batman Trent
 Day two went smooth since I went to work and left them with the babysitter. Arriving home from work we immediately began to argue about what would be for dinner. I got to use the line "You will eat what I cook you." Ohhh how many times have I heard that?!

Day three was suppose to be lots of fun at the pool. The weather man ruined that with a prediction of storms all day. Carson then had a epic meltdown because his zip lock baggy was "squishy." I wish I could explain but I myself do not understand. We also took a ice cream trip...You would not believe how messy that ended up being.

Day four: I left the boys with the babysitter again and when arriving home got into a "you can't tell me what to do" fight with Trent. We went to church after some kicking and screaming and had to pull over on the side of the road for a potty break on the way home (boysss).

That night I was first woken up with a "my ear really hurts and I can't sleep" by Trent and then a hour later by a soaking wet Carson who wet his bed and everything in sight.

Day five: Woke up thinking I had experienced everything of motherhood except the birthing pains. About 30 minutes after this thought, I heard screaming and saw a bloody Carson running towards me. .............So we got to take a trip to the doctor to get stitches (in our bathing suites).

After a LONG and traumatic day I returned home dreading washing all the peed on sheets while I looked forward to taking a shower... when to my surprise.....the hot water heater was broke.

When I thought nothing else could go wrong I woke up with a stomach virus and am stuck on the couch sick.

This blog isn't to complain. It is what I learned from this week. I learned that motherhood is a LOT harder than it seems. I learned that sometimes it is hard to be happy as a "mom" but you have too anyways. I learned that no matter how bad you want to throw in the towel you can't, and most of all I learned HOW THANKFUL I AM FOR MY PARENTS! SOOO glad they are home!

If you are interested in some free birth control I will lend you my brothers for a few days! : )

Update on Africa Trip

I  now have 1/4 of support raised for my Missions Trip to Africa. God is proving his faithfulness to me as I trust He will provide. It is pretty awesome how supportive people have been. Not just monetarily, but with kind words and encouragement.
I enjoyed spending A LOT of time sending out over 100 support letters.

I am planing a big community fundraiser for July 21st that I am really excited about. There will be thirty-one, Pamper chef and tastefully simple consultants there.

The other day my mom shared this with me: :"How awesome is it that you are working hard just so you can serve others?" So true! What a humbling experience this will be.

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:19